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Manage your utility services and account effortlessly with our 24/7 self-serve online portal:
Don't have an account? Register here
Toll free: 1-800-383-0834
Hours: 24 hours
Toll free: 1-800-383-0834
Email: mywater@epcor.comopens in a new tab
Hours of operation
Monday to Friday: 8am–7pm
Saturday: 8am-4:30pm
Sunday & stat holidays: closed
P.O. Box 37786
Boone, IA 50037-0786
Phone: 623-445-2424
Email: rstenholm@epcor.comopens in a new tab
Phone: 1-800-383-0834
Phone: 1-877-930-3337
Email: waterdevelopment@epcor.comopens in a new tab
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