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Project delivery methods


How we help you deliver utility infrastructure projects

As a trusted utility infrastructure partner, we work with clients to bring cost and performance certainty to each one of our projects in a number of ways. With over 125 years of experience, we discerningly allocate technical and commercial risk, navigate unique regulatory and compliance processes, and apply a wealth of knowledge, making us an operational and environmental leader.

With a strong track record in project investment, we also bring tailored solutions to the table for capital investment, as well as providing life cycle turnkey project solutions. Through design-build-operate-maintain (DBOM) and design-build-finance-operate (DBFO) methods, we deliver successful utility infrastructure projects to clients in Canada and the United States. Our projects are completed on-time, on-budget, in a safe and reliable manner.

Utility infrastructure development and management

We build infrastructure projects with a life cycle perspective, and our approach to projects enables the transfer of key technical and commercial risks. A variety of asset investment options exist to ensure fiscal discipline and performance accountability. Our infrastructure project solutions for industrial partners, communities and municipalities include a full-service, turn-key approach.

We provide support through design, build, operations and maintenance services, including optional project financing, for our markets.

Creating value for our customers

As the single point of responsibility, we provide value through:

  • Life cycle project costing
  • Integrated Design-Build-Operate approach
  • Risk transfer
  • Innovation
  • Fiscal discipline
  • Operational excellence

Infrastructure project delivery options and risk transfer

As an investor in utility infrastructure assets, we provide a number of project delivery and financing options to fit your needs. These include:

  • Build-Own-Operate-Transfer
  • Design-Build-Finance-Operate
  • Take or Pay
  • Capital Leases
  • Public-Private Partnerships
  • Regulated Investor-Owned Utilities

Early in the development stage, an integrated team works together to optimize the project outcomes. We create significant value for clients by allocating risk to the party best able to manage the risk. We work with our clients to determine which risks would be assigned to EPCOR, retained by the client, or shared by the client and EPCOR jointly.

Asset acquisition

Additionally, we can offer public and private utilities the unique opportunity to monetize their assets. We can structure acquisitions to maximize return on investment and have significant industry experience in executing transactions in both regulated and non-regulated environments.

Alternative project delivery methods for municipalities

You're constantly challenged to maintain and upgrade your essential utility infrastructure and manage your budget across numerous competing requirements.

Increasingly, municipalities like yours are turning to us for innovative infrastructure solutions for utilities. We work with communities in Canada and the USA to build reliable and cost-effective infrastructure projects. We have the expertise to help you address:

  • Regulatory changes
  • Aging infrastructure
  • Sustaining capital requirements
  • Budget limitations
  • Technology challenges
  • Staffing constraints

Financing Options for Municipalities

Infrastructure projects can be expensive to develop and maintain. Contact EPCOR and discover how we can help finance your infrastructure projects in other ways from traditional project financing or government grants.

Alternative service delivery methods for industry

With expertise in project management and finance, and a history of delivering projects on-time and on-budget, our team works with you to implement a customized solution. We also provide accountability through a single-point of contact to manage every facet of your project. We can:

  • Manage financial, construction and operational risks
  • Oversee design and construction with an eye for optimizing operations
  • Manage ongoing operations over the project's lifecycle

This frees your team to concentrate on your core business.

Our markets


Water and wastewater solutions

EPCOR builds, owns and operates water, wastewater and stormwater facilities, working in partnership with governments, municipalities and industrial clients. We work with communities and industrial clients in Canada and the USA to build and operate reliable and cost-effective water solutions to address our clients' unique needs.


Natural gas solutions

EPCOR provides safe and reliable natural gas to thousands of customers in more than 30 communities in Canada and the United States. We have experience in both constructing greenfield natural gas distribution systems and natural gas expansion projects. Learn more about our experience and how we can help.


Electricity solutions

EPCOR's electricity distribution and transmission business owns and operates high voltage substations and distribution & transmission lines and cables. Our business provides safe, reliable energy to over 410,000 customers, while ensuring the health and safety of our employees, customers and neighbors. Explore how EPCOR can help you.

Contact us

We understand that the complexity of your project requires a personalized touch. We encourage you to call, email or fill out our online form if you have questions.

EPCOR Business Development
Phone: 1-877-930-3337
Email: businessdevelopment@epcor.com

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