EPCOR is investing in the French Creek water system to ensure the community has a safe, sustainable water supply for years to come.
In December 2023, we applied to the B.C. Comptroller of Water Rightsopens in a new tab to set water rates for the upcoming 2024-2026 rate period. The rates proposed in our application reflect the forecast costs of providing water service and maintaining and upgrading the French Creek water system during this timeframe. On November 5, 2024, the BC Deputy Comptroller of Water Rights approved EPCOR's rate application refilingopens in a new tab.
You can find more information about our application, and the associated regulatory process, below.
We apply to set the water rates in French Creek every three years. The new rates will enable EPCOR to operate and upgrade the system for the 2024-2026 rate period, which allows us to continue providing safe and reliable water service to our customers.
For 2024-2026, our investment will make the system more reliable and efficient with:
The addition of two pressure-reducing valve stations. These will alleviate areas in the system where water pressure exceeds the maximum allowable pressure. Almost half of EPCOR’s French Creek system exceeds the maximum allowable pressure. This improvement will result in reduced leakage, reduced stress on pipes and bends, and lower repair/maintenance costs on older, weaker sections of distribution piping.
Water main upgrades (upgrading from a 100mm water main to 150mm). This will help ensure reliable fire service. The is one of many projects that will opportunistically and progressively address the fire flow deficiencies that are identified in the French Creek Water System Master Plan Update 2020opens in a new tab.
Rehabilitation of three well systems.
Increased sampling and testing of groundwater and the water system to ensure we continue to deliver safe, clean water for our customers.
In addition, we are continuing to use a rate structure that encourages water conservation. The French Creek community draws its water from aquifers that are also used by neighbouring communities and private wells—we are allocated only a certain amount. While we have adequate supply for the needs of our customers, we want to ensure there’s capacity to support the continued growth of the community while safeguarding the local watershed and responding to the challenges of climate change.
On October 8, 2024, under Order No. 2659, EPCOR Water West Inc. (EWW) filed its 2024-2026 Revenue Requirement and Rates Refiling Application. Given the timing of the regulatory process, the Refiling Application proposes the new rates to be effective on January 1, 2025. EWW notes that the 2024 interim rates have been based on the 2023 approved rates. As such, a reconciliation of the 2024 rates will be included in the 2025 and 2026 rates.
The new water rates reflect the costs to provide safe and reliable water service in French Creek. The rates for 2025-2026 represent a 17% increase per year. This increase will help fund the improvement projects noted above, and others.
For a residential customer consuming 20 cubic metres (m3) per month, the new rates and rate riders will result approximately in a a $10.16 monthly increase in 2025 and a $11.93 monthly increase in 2026. The average customer is currently paying about $58.69/month (assuming usage of 20 m3/month). French Creek residents are billed on a quarterly basis.
A summary of our new rates and rate riders is provided below.
*based on consumption of 20 cubic metres (m3) per month
Minimum Charge (consumption up to 12m3/month) | $43.30 | $43.30 | $49.14 | $55.77 |
Additional Charge (consumption over 12m3/month) | $15.39 | $15.39 | $17.46 | $19.82 |
Rate Rider** (consumption up to 12m3/month) | -$1.13 | - | $1.68 | $3.82 |
Rate Rider** (consumption over 12m3/month) | -$0.40 | - | 0.56 | $1.36 |
Total Bill | $57.16 | $58.69 | $68.85 | $80.77 |
Increase to Monthly Bill compared to 2023 rates | n/a | $1.53 | $10.16 | $11.93 |
2023 | 2024 | 2025 | 2026 |
*Bill totals may not add up due to rounding.
**Rate Rider reflects charges for outstanding balances in deferral accounts for the 2020-2021 rate period.
Water rates are based on a forecast of the costs of providing safe and reliable water service to customers. In British Columbia, these rates are regulated by the B.C. Comptroller of Water Rights as follows:
The graph below shows the average monthly water bill in French Creek in comparison to other communities in the area. Bills include both variable and fixed fees.
In the previous rate period (2021-2023), we adjusted our base rate for up to 15 m3 to 12 m3. This means that a customer consuming less than 15 m3 per month saw a net reduction in their overall bill over that period, while customers consuming more than 15 m3 per month saw an increase in their bill. We are continuing this practice in the 2024-2026 rate period to encourage ongoing conservation.
Every little thing you do to conserve water adds up. Whether it’s considering the landscaping around your home or turning off the tap while you brush your teeth, your efforts can have an impact. See our efficiency and conservation section for more information on using less water.
If you have any questions or feedback on our application, there are a number of ways you can get involved:
Contact EPCOR
Email: regulatorywater@epcor.com
Email feedback on our application to: Chris.McMillan@gov.bc.ca