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New water service connection

​Before your development project begins, contact EPCOR

If you’re developing in the French Creek community, contact EPCOR early in your planning phase. We will work with you in the design of your project to ensure it meets water capacity and fire protection needs.

The French Creek community draws its water from aquifers that are also used by neighbouring communities and private wells—we are only allocated a certain amount.

That is why we like to work with you in the early stages of your project to determine how much water you will require.

Water connection solutions

EPCOR issues development approvals on a first-come, first-served basis. In order to approve your request, we must assess your water capacity needs against available supply. We will work with you to come up with viable options (e.g., assessing existing wells on the property, bringing inactive wells up to code, identifying storage capacity, etc.) to help your project proceed.

Steps you need to take

1. Getting started

  • Contact EPCOR to discuss your upcoming project and your intent to submit an application for water services.

2. Fill out the application

  • Complete the Multi-Lot Application and mail or email it to us.
  • In addition to the information required in the Multi-Lot Application, we may ask you for detailed site layout, mechanical, architectural and landscaping plans. We may also need to meet you on site.

*Note that the requirements for single lot subdivisions are slightly different. Please contact our office for instructions in these instances.

3. Detailed design review

EPCOR will:

  • Review your submitted drawings and plans.
  • Examine and confirm size requirements.
  • Submit the drawings to a third-party engineer for review. Note: the Developer is responsible for this cost.

This process can take 2-4 weeks to complete.

4. Application to the Comptroller

  • The Developer and your engineer will be responsible for providing EPCOR with the balance of information and documentation set out in Parts 2 and 3 of the Multi-Lot Application. EPCOR will send the Application to the Water Comptroller once you send us all of the required items.
  • Note: we cannot proceed until 30 days after publication of the Notice of Application in the local newspaper.
  • EPCOR will draft a Water Service Agreement to be signed by both EPCOR and the Developer. The Developer will be responsible for obtaining a Letter of Credit (as described in the Agreement), which will form part of the Agreement. The Letter of Credit amount is based on the construction costs set by your engineer, which must be in writing.
  • The Developer will arrange a pre-construction meeting that should be attended by EPCOR's manager and senior operator.

This process can take 8-12 weeks to complete.

5. Approval to proceed with construction

  • Once the Application is approved, the Water Comptroller will provide EPCOR with a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) Certificate.
  • Construction should not commence until receipt of the CPCN Certificate.
  • At this time, we will finalize our invoice to you for EPCOR’s costs in preparing and submitting the Application to the Comptroller.

6. Connection to the EPCOR system

  • You will be required to provide EPCOR with your engineered As-Built Drawings and a copy of the registered Subdivision Plan after completion of construction.
  • You can have the water meters installed and connected as soon as we are in receipt of the meter connection charge and your completed New Services Application.
  • Water services will then begin.

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​Your questions are important to us.

Contact EPCOR

Phone: 250-951-2460
Email: frenchcreek@epcor.com

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