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Rate application


In September 2020, we applied to the B.C. Comptroller of Water Rights to set water rates for the current 2021-2023 rate period. The rates proposed in our application reflect the forecast costs of providing water service and maintaining and upgrading the French Creek water system during this timeframe.

On March 17, 2021 the new rates were approved by the BC Comptroller of Water Rights in Order No. 2582. These rates are effective January 1, 2021 and were reflected on customer bills received after April 1, 2021. 

You can find more information about our application, and the associated regulatory process, below.

Why rates are changing

We apply to set the water rates in French Creek every three years. The new rates will enable EPCOR to carry out its scheduled operating and capital programs for the 2021-2023 rate period, which allows us to continue providing safe and reliable water service to our customers.

In addition, we have changed the rate structure to encourage water conservation. The French Creek community draws its water from aquifers that are also used by neighbouring communities and private wells—we are only allocated a certain amount.

While we have adequate supply for the needs of our customers, we want to ensure there’s capacity to support the continued growth of the community while safeguarding the local watershed.​

Breaking down the new rates

The new water rates reflect the costs to provide safe and reliable water service in French Creek. The new rates for 2021-2023 are relatively consistent with those from the previous rate period (2018-2020). For a customer consuming 20 cubic metres (m3) per month, the new 2021-2023 rates and rate riders will result approximately in a $1.94/month decrease in 2021, a $1.53/month increase in 2022 and a $1.62/month increase in 2023.

We have also adjusted our lowest rate tier from 15 m3 - 75 m3 down to 12 m3 - 75 m3, which has resulted in a reduction to the monthly base rates. The reduction to the minimum rate tier means that a customer consuming less than 15 m3 per month will see a net reduction in their overall bill over the 2021-2023 period. A customer consuming more than 15m3 per month will see a small increase in their bill over the same period.

A summary of our new rates and rate riders is provided below.

Average residential* customer monthly bill

*based on consumption of 20 cubic metres (m3) per month

Minimum Charge (consumption up to 12m3/month)$46.30​$43.30​$43.30​$43.30
Additional Charge (consumption over 12m3/month)$9.65




Rate Rider** (consumption up to 12m3/month) n/a​-$3.48-$2.35​-$1.13
​Rate Rider** (consumption over 12m3/month) n/a


​Total Bill$55.95$54.01​$55.54​$57.16
Decrease to Monthly Bill n/a-$1.94​

**Rate Rider reflects charges for outstanding balances in deferral accounts for the 2017-2020 rate period.

​How rates are set

Water rates are based on forecast of costs to provide safe and reliable water services to customers. In British Columbia, these rates are regulated by the BC Comptroller of Water Rights as follows:

  • EPCOR submits an application for the proposed rates to the B.C. Comptroller of Water Rights for review and approval. Please see below for a copy of the application and associated documents.
  • As with the previous rate application filed in 2017, the 2021-2023 rate application covered a three-year period.
  • The BC Comptroller of Water Rights reviews the forecast costs and proposed rates in a regulatory process.
  • This process provides opportunity for customer input.​

Supporting water cons​ervation

We have adjusted our lowest rate tier from 15 m3 to 75 m3 to now be 12 m3 to 75 m3, which has resulted in a reduction to the monthly base rates. The reduction to the minimum rate tier means that a customer consuming less than 15 m3 per month will see a net reduction in their overall bill over the 2021-2023 period. A customer consuming more than 15 m3 per month will see an increase in their bill over the same period.

Every little thing you do to conserve water can add up to a big difference. Whether it’s considering the landscaping around your home or turning off the tap while you brush your teeth, your efforts can make an impact. See our efficiency and conservation section on how to conserve water and other water efficiency tips.

Supporting documents

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