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All Alberta locations except Edmonton
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Joe Gysel

President, EPCOR USA

As President of EPCOR USA Inc., an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of EPCOR Utilities Inc. (EUI), Joe Gysel is responsible for water operations in the United States. EPCOR USA provides water and wastewater services to over 780,000 people in 42 communities and 18 counties across Arizona, New Mexico and Texas.

Joe is also responsible for EPCOR USA's growing investment and presence in the southwestern United States. Prior to this assignment, Joe was Senior Vice President, New Business Enterprises with EUI, responsible for EUI water business development across Canada and the U.S. Previous positions with EUI also included senior responsibilities in energy origination and plant development.

Before re-joining EUI in 2000, Joe was Director of Wholesale and Commercial Markets at Encore Energy Solutions L.P., EPCOR's joint venture with Engage Energy, providing transitional consulting services in deregulating markets, including Alberta, Ontario, and California.

Joe has a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of British Columbia with a double major in Marketing and Urban Land Economics. In 2008, he completed the Harvard Advanced Management Program.

Joe serves on the Advisory Board of Arizona State University's Kyl Center for Water Policy at the Morrison Institute and is a member of the external advisory committee of the Water Resources Research Council at the University of Arizona as well as the University of Arizona's Water, Environmental and Energy Solutions External Advisory Board. Joe previously served as President of the National Association of Water Companies, which represents the nation's private water utilities that collectively serve more than 73 million people. He is currently a member of Greater Phoenix Leadership and the Canada Arizona Business Council. He currently serves as EPCOR's Board representative for the East Valley Partnership in Phoenix.

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