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Natural gas rates

How rates are set

Our rates reflect the costs to provide natural gas service and maintain the distribution system. We will work carefully to ensure new rates are fair and affordable while still addressing operational requirements and supporting investment that will allow us to continue to provide safe natural gas and reliable service to the community.

Gas commodity

As an EPCOR customer, you pay the same price as we do for natural gas. In Ontario, utilities do not earn a profit from the sale of natural gas.

The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) sets the rates four times a year for the gas you use based on the commodity price of natural gas on the market. Market prices change due to supply and demand, as well as weather.

Every three months, we will request approval from the OEB to adjust rates to reflect customer consumption and the market price of gas from the previous quarter. Rates could increase if the previous rate did not cover the actual market price of gas or could decrease to credit customers if the market price was lower than expected. You will receive notice of these Quarterly Rate Adjustment Mechanisms (QRAM) with your monthly bill.

Delivery to you

The OEB also approves the rates EPCOR charges to deliver natural gas to our customers. These charges include the costs to store natural gas at the Dawn Hub in southwestern Ontario, transport gas to your home or business and to build, operate and maintain the system.

Rate classes and charges

Your EPCOR bill details the charges related to your natural gas services. To learn more about what the individual line items on your bill mean, visit understanding your bill.

Each year EPCOR will file an application with the Ontario Energy Board for approval of the next year's rates. In the event of a variance between this webpage and the OEB decision and order, the decision and order will be considered correct.

The rates below are effective January 1, 2025.

Rate 1: Residential, Commercial and Small Agricultural (General firm service)

This is the general service class that includes most customers. The majority of EPCOR's customers are Rate 1, including residential, commercial and small agricultural. There are no contracts and the rate does not fluctuate for time of year. View a sample bill.

Monthly fixed charge (1)$29.00
​Delivery charges ​
​First 100 m3 per month​29.9934¢ per m³
Next 400m3 per month29.4025¢ per m³
Over 500 m3 per month28.5341¢ per m³
Upstream charges ​
Upstream recovery charge1.4740¢ per m³
Transportation and storage charge2.6982¢ per m³
Rate rider for delay in revenue recovery
(effective for 10 years ending December 31, 2028)
1.6330¢ per m³
Rate rider for ECVA recovery
(effective for 12 months ending December 31, 2025)
0.2481¢ per m³
Rate rider for CIACVA recovery
(effective for 12 months ending December 31, 2025)
2.3088¢ per m³
​Rate rider for MTVA recovery
(effective for 12 months ending December 31, 2025)
0.5052¢ per m³
Rate rider for ORDA recovery
(effective for 12 months ending December 31, 2025)
-0.2738¢ per m³
Rate rider for CVVA recovery
(effective for 12 months ending December 31, 2025)
$5.37 per month
Federal carbon charge (if applicable)15.2500¢ per m³
Facillity carbon charge0.0013¢ per m³
Gas supply charge13.6170¢ per m³
Rate 6: Large Volume (Large volume general firm service)

This class is for large volume customers that use more than 10 000 m3 per year. These customers use gas year round. View a sample bill.

Monthly fixed charge (1)$115.17 
​Delivery charges ​
First 1,000 m3 per month​27.6697¢ per m³
Next 6,000 m3 per month​24.9030¢ per m³
All over 7,000 m3 per month23.6577¢ per m³
Upstream charges ​
Upstream recovery charge2.9200¢ per m³
Transportation and storage charge5.6413¢ per m³
Rate rider for delay in revenue recovery
(effective for 10 years ending December 31, 2028)
0.9090¢ per m³
Rate rider for ECVA recovery
(effective for 12 months ending December 31, 2024)
0.2815¢ per m³
Rate rider for CIACVA recovery
(effective for 12 months ending December 31, 2024)
3.0469¢ per m³
​Rate rider for MTVA recovery
(effective for 12 months ending December 31, 2024)
0.8651¢ per m³
Rate rider for ORDA recovery
(effective for 12 months ending December 31, 2024)
-0.2291¢ per m³
Rate rider for CVVA recovery
(effective for 12 months ending December 31, 2025)
-$43.46 per month
Federal carbon charge (if applicable)15.2500¢ per m³
Facillity carbon charge0.0013¢ per m³
Gas supply charge13.6170¢ per m³
Rate 11: Large Volume Seasonal Service

This class is designed for seasonal customers who use more than 10 000 m3 during the period of May 1 through December 15. There is no contract but the rates fluctuate depending on the time of the year. View a sample bill.

Monthly fixed charge (1)$229.35 
​Delivery charges ​
All volumes delivered May 1 - Dec 1517.1881¢ per m³
Authorized overrun Dec 16 - Apr 3017.9106¢ per m³
Unauthroized overrun Dec 16 - Apr 30428.8663¢ per m³
Upstream charges ​
Upstream recovery charge​0.0352¢ per m³
Transportation and storage charge1.8166¢ per m³
Rate rider for delay in revenue recovery
(effective for 10 years ending December 31, 2028)
0.5524¢ per m³
Rate rider for ECVA recovery
(effective for 12 months ending December 31, 2024)
0.1847¢ per m³
Rate rider for CIACVA recovery
(effective for 12 months ending December 31, 2024)
0.5789¢ per m³
​Rate rider for MTVA recovery
(effective for 12 months ending December 31, 2024)
0.1648¢ per m³
Rate rider for ORDA recovery
(effective for 12 months ending December 31, 2024)
​-0.0870¢ per m³
Federal carbon charge (if applicable)15.2500¢ per m³
Facillity carbon charge0.0013¢ per m³
Gas supply charge13.6170¢ per m³
Rate 16: Special Contracted Customers (Contracted Firm Services)

This is a contracted rate class designed for customers who are connected directly to EPCOR's natural gas High Pressure Steel System and have a daily demand of at least 2739 m3View a sample bill.

Monthly fixed charge (1)$1,679.98 
​Delivery charges ​
Per m3 of contract demand114.5236¢ per m³
Upstream charges ​
Upstream recovery charge per m³ of contract demand14.2434¢ per m³
Transportation charge per m³ of contract demand
​Transportation from Dawn18.2999¢ per m³
Transportation from Kirkwall11.8480¢ per m³
Transportation from Parkway​11.8480¢ per m³
Rate rider for delay in revenue recovery
(effective for 10 years ending December 31, 2028)
0.0601¢ per m³
Rate rider for CIACVA recovery
(effective for 12 months ending December 31, 2024)
4.7092¢ per m³
​Rate rider for MTVA recovery
(effective for 12 months ending December 31, 2024)
1.2397¢ per m³
Rate rider for ORDA recovery
(effective for 12 months ending December 31, 2024)
-0.1547¢ per m³
Federal carbon charge (if applicable)15.2500¢ per m³
Facillity carbon charge0.0013¢ per m³

View Rate 16 Terms and Conditions.

(1) Aggregated within Monthly Fixed Charge is the amount of one dollar per month in accordance with Bill 32 and Ontario Regulation 24/19.

​Notice: The Ontario Energy Board has approved EPCOR’s Customer Volume Variance Account, which may impact the distribution rates that you are paying. This deferral account will capture consumption variances for Rate 1 & Rate 6 customers, until EPCOR rebases its rates in 2029. The impact of this deferral account is estimated to be an additional $10 per month for a residential customer bill, beginning in 2025 but all customers in these rate classes will be impacted. Revenue shortfalls or excesses will be shared equally between EPCOR and its customers and EPCOR will only recover shortfalls to the extent that they impact the utility’s earnings beyond a threshold established by the OEB. Disposition of this deferral account will be subject to OEB approval. Additional details.

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