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All Alberta locations except Edmonton
French Creek
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All Alberta locations except Edmonton
French Creek
Aylmer and area
Collingwood and area
Kincardine and area

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Natural gas savings

​Canadians are saving money by using natural gas

Compared to other major heating fuels, residential natural gas customers can save upward of $2,000 per year on their residential energy bills. Plus, you can save even more by shopping for ENERGY STAR-qualified natural gas appliances for the highest energy efficiency.

Calculate how much money you could save by switching to natural gas

Our calculator uses basic, easily accessi​ble information about your home and current heating solution. It'll give you an idea of what you're spending now and how it compares with natural gas-fired heating equipment.​

Note: This calculator is for demonstration purposes only and may not reflect total consumption specific to your property.

We recommend speaking with a local Heating, Venting and Air Conditioning (HVAC) contractor who can assess your home and discuss costs and requirements associated with switching to natural gas service.

Rates are estimated based on current rates for various fuels in other similar Ontario communities. The natural gas rates are calculated with EPCOR's 2022 rates approved by the Ontario Energy Board. 

For any new communities in Municipalities of Kincardine, Arran-Elderslie, Brockton and West Grey that are not yet listed, it is expected that EPCOR’s current Southern Bruce rates will apply. Natural gas rates are regulated and set by the Ontario Energy Board (OEB). Any rate adjustments to bring natural gas service to these new communities, if required, would be approved by the OEB as the project progresses.

Note about privacy

We respect your rights to privacy. Any personal information we collect about you — including your name, address, phone number and email address — will be used only in regard to the Southern Bruce Natural Gas Project. Read our Privacy Policy for more information.

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