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Sun Cities wastewater assessment

Ensuring your water delivery

Providing customers with a safe, reliable water supply is at the heart of what we do, and we're committed to ensuring that your water delivery system continues to do that now and long into the future. That means maintaining and investing in water infrastructure, from the wells and canals that bring the water to our treatment plants to the pipes that bring it to your homes.

As part of our ongoing preventative maintenance and inspection program, we inspect sewer mains and manholes in Sun Cities, using state-of-the-art robotic video cameras.

A system of underground pipes and pumps takes our wastewater away to be carefully treated and disposed of, putting it back deep into the ground to be used again in the future or recycling it to help irrigate public spaces and parks.

When we're assessing the wastewater system in your neighbourhood, residents and visitors can expect to see a camera truck, similar in size to a rented moving truck, parked near manholes. The truck controls and monitors the video camera as it records information about the pipes below. Once inspection of a particular pipe segment is complete, the truck will move to a different manhole and the process is repeated.

During this work, the truck will generate some noise and create minor traffic restrictions. Safety cones are used to divert traffic around the truck and we work closely with our contractor to ensure our work has minimal impact on residents of the Sun Cities.

Contact us

If you have questions or concerns about this project, call us at 1-800-383-0834 or email us at mywater@epcor.com.

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