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All Alberta locations except Edmonton
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All Alberta locations except Edmonton
French Creek
Aylmer and area
Collingwood and area
Kincardine and area

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Stay safe under the sun

Summer is just around the corner and with that comes extreme temperatures. High temperatures can bring risks when it comes to staying hydrated and safe in the hot sun.

Water. Water. Water.

Drinking plenty of water throughout the day—even if you aren't thirsty—will help keep your body hydrated.

Continue to hydrate while you're outside to replenish all the fluids you're losing.

Drink about half a 20oz bottle of water every half hour while you're in the heat. That allows you to replenish fluids, while not drinking too much, too fast.

What if you don't?

Symptoms of dehydration can include thirst or dry mouth, headache and muscle cramps, extreme fatigue, weakness and dizziness and nausea and vomiting. If you begin to feel signs of dehydration it is important you move indoors and immediately call 911.

Dehydration can turn into heat exhaustion which can turn into heatstroke, the most serious form of heat illness.

A major symptom of heatstroke is a core body temperature above 105 degrees, but fainting may also be a sign. Any person not accustomed to hot weather is at risk of suffering from heatstroke as well as heat exhaustion and heat cramps.

If you suspect that someone is in danger of a heatstroke, call 911 immediately.

Visit ready.gov for more information about summer safety.

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