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All Alberta locations except Edmonton
French Creek
Aylmer and area
Collingwood and area
Kincardine and area
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All Alberta locations except Edmonton
French Creek
Aylmer and area
Collingwood and area
Kincardine and area

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Plan review application

How to submit plans and reports for main extensions

All engineering plans and master reports for main extensions require a completed Plan Review Application.

Email or mail all plans and reports to the following:

Email: planreview@epcor.com
Attn. Developer Services
2355 W. Pinnacle Peak Rd. Ste.300,
Phoenix, AZ 85027

Please note, EPCOR charges a review fee and will invoice the applicant for the necessary fee upon receipt of your plans. Review fees are $5,000 for plans, including basis of design report reviews, or $2,500 for Master Plan report-only reviews.

EPCOR's project manager will discuss construction administration, water meter and water/sewer hook-up fees with the applicant during the development process.

​How to submit plans and reports for fire lines, fire hydrants and commercial water or sewer services:​

Email or mail all plans and reports to the following:

Email: planreview@epcor.com
Attn. Developer Services
2355 W. Pinnacle Peak Rd. Ste.300,
Phoenix, AZ 85027

All engineering plans for fire lines and hydrants require either a fire line or a fire hydrant application. EPCOR's project managers will send you the appropriate application upon receipt of your plans.

Please note, EPCOR charges a plan review and construction administration fee and will invoice the applicant for the necessary fee upon completion of the application. Fees are $2,500 for fire lines and $750 per fire hydrant.

EPCOR's project manager will discuss water meter and water/sewer hook-up fees with the applicant during the development process.

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