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Water meters come in different sizes, depending on the size of your home or building. Most homes in the Anthem district have either a 3/4- or 1-inch meter. Each customer pays a minimum service chargeopens in a new tab on their monthly water bill.
Having the right sized meter is important to ensure that the water flowing to your home — and to your fire sprinkler system, if you have one — is appropriate for the size of your home or building. It's also important that your meter is the right size and doesn't violate current plumbing, building or fire codes or creates an unsafe condition.
After your application is complete and approved, we'll send a technician to your home to change your meter.
A meter installation feeopens in a new tab according to the tariffs and rates established by the Arizona Corporation Commissionopens in a new tab (ACC) will apply. Under the rates and tariffs approved by the ACC, the fee will be refunded over a 10-year period in the form of a 10% credit on your monthly water bill.
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