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Technology and your water

Technology and your water

The groundwater and raw surface water that enters our system isn't ready yet to drink. To make it safe for drinking, we must filter, disinfect and test it to confirm that it's ready for you.

To accomplish that process for millions of gallons of water every day, we use a variety of state-of-the-art systems – including treatment plants that can filter at microscopic levels, remove and neutralize any contaminants, and pump water up to the pipes that reach your home. 

Groundwater has been naturally filtered by the earth, but could contain impurities because of the erosion of natural mineral deposits. Anything that's in the earth may over time make its way into the water. Similarly, surface water that comes from canals also could include other material that's washed down from mountains and streams. 

It's our job to filter out what shouldn't be there, and deliver only what should: clean water.

Filtering and disinfection

Depending on the plant, we use different technologies to filter surface water. Our Anthem plant uses an innovative system that forces water through thousands of membrane filters. Water molecules are large enough to pass through the membrane, but contaminants cannot. 

At many of our facilities, like our White Tanks Water Treatment Facility, we use a system called dissolved air flotation that injects bubbles into raw water to propel contaminants upward to the surface where they are easily removed. After filtering the water this way twice, we test it for clarity.

We then move the water on for disinfection. Typically, we use sodium hypochlorite, an industry standard, for this step. Throughout the process, and after we've finished treatment, we test and monitor your water to ensure it meets all state and EPA water quality standards.

Water Quality Reports

Every year, w​e produce a Water Quality Report for your water district. In it, you can learn about the testing we conducted throughout the year as well as the source(s) for your water - such as canals, aquifers, wells or other sources.

Why isn’t your tap water colder? 

There’s nothing like a glass of cold water on a hot summer day. But in our desert climate, water from the tap is not going to feel like it came from a refrigerator. That’s because high temperatures outside warm up the ground and delivery pipes – even in winter, our Arizona days are warm enough for this to happen. 

Also, lots of houses in our area do not have basements and water pipes are built into attics. When your tap water comes through these spaces, it can really warm up before it comes out of the tap.

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