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All Alberta locations except Edmonton
French Creek
Aylmer and area
Collingwood and area
Kincardine and area
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All Alberta locations except Edmonton
French Creek
Aylmer and area
Collingwood and area
Kincardine and area

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Understand your bill

Your EPCOR bill details the charges related to your natural gas services. To learn more about what the individual line items on your bill mean, see the examples below. View a sample bill to see all line items.

Payment return slip

If you are paying by mail, always include the payment return slip in your envelope. The Payment Return Slip clearly identifies your account number, amount owed, and the due date to ensure that your payment is processed quickly and accurately.

Details of your new charges

Your consumption information is broken out to include length of the billing period, the date of your last meter reading, and whether your consumption calculation was based on actual or estimated meter reading, or a combination of both.

Delivery to you

This is the cost associated with the distribution and transportation of gas from the source to end user.

Monthly charge

The administration charge that covers the cost of maintaining gas services and providing billing and customer service. Included in your monthly charge, customers will pay $1 per month as part of the Access to Natural Gas Act (Bill 32), which helps to facilitate the expansion of natural gas into more Ontario communities.

​Allocation of payment between natural gas and non-natural gas charges

Payments are applied to charges on your account against the oldest charge first, and then based on the priority for the additional charges.

Natural gas commodity

The gas commodity charge is calculated using the actual cost of gas for the gas you use during the period of time between meter readings. The commodity rate you are billed at on your EPCOR bill depends upon the commodity purchase choice you have made.

Federal Carbon Charge

This charge reflects your monthly consumption and the associated costs to deliver natural gas to your home at an annual rate set by the government. The money collected from this charge goes to the federal government as part of its carbon pollution pricing program. Learn more about the Federal Carbon Charge.

Usage graph

The graph on the front of your bill will help you visually track the usage you are billed for each month. Have you recently purchased an energy- or water-efficient appliance? Keep an eye out for savings here.

Total charges

This is the amount owing for all your services billed on this statement.

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