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Many properties in the EPCOR area have natural gas main lines already running in front of the property, but not all. Before you fill out an application for a new gas service, it's a good idea to call us to confirm if natural gas is available and the closest gas line is to your property.
Phone: 519-773-5321
Email: gas@epcor.com
In Person: EPCOR
39 Beech St East
Aylmer, ON N5H 3J6
The Gas Service Application and Request for Action forms are available below, in person at our office or you can have a copy emailed to you if you contact our office. These forms must be filled out in full before we can start the process.
Once you have completed the application and have been credit approved, we'll contact you to set up a site visit to your property. During the site visit we'll:
The form should be filled out and handed in with your service application whenever possible. We highly recommend that you have your heating contractor fill out the form on your behalf or assist you with completing it. This form provides us with information on what you will be using natural gas for on your property, and allows us to install the properly sized gas line and meter for the amount of natural gas that you'll need.
We'll contact all participating utilities to have their underground locations marked before we install your underground gas line. Around 1 to 3 weeks before we come to install the gas line, the utilities will come onto your property to locate their underground services. Make sure their marks, flags and stakes are not moved or tampered with before we install the gas line.
Make sure there is a clear path to the meter location on the building. Please remove perennials, shrubs or other plantings you wish to preserve prior to the construction if they are close to the meter location.
In some cases a trench is dug, approximately 1' wide from the gas main at the street to the meter location at the house. In favourable site conditions, 3 or more holes, about 6' x 1' are excavated at the gas main, an intermediate location, the meter location, and any obstructions, and then the gas line is installed using air pressure to bore through the ground between holes.
The gas line is installed and a pressure test is done to make sure the gas line is intact. Once the gas line installers leave, there is live gas in the line going to the house but it will have been capped while you wait for the meter to be installed.
We'll to come to your home to install the meter and inspect the natural gas equipment. The site must be ready for the meter to be installed. Gas appliances must be accessible and operational with hydro service, thermostat and pressure test tags. If the site isn't ready for the meter installation and appliance inspection or if inaccurate information necessitates a repeat visit, the homeowner/builder may be required to pay an additional service fee.
Work order charges for the gas service installation will be added to your first billing after the meter has been installed.