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We want to keep you informed about upcoming changes to your natural gas bill, designed to ensure we continue to deliver safe and reliable service to your home or business. These changes, approved by the Ontario Energy Board (OEB), affect the delivery portion of your bill, which covers the cost of transporting natural gas to your meter.
We understand you want to know how these changes will affect your costs. Here's a breakdown:
Occasionally, we may need to estimate your meter reading to ensure timely billing. These estimates are based on your historical usage and are corrected once we obtain an actual reading. The OEB mandates that we limit estimated readings to no more than three consecutive months.
To smooth out seasonal fluctuations in your gas bills, we recommend our Budget Billing Plan. This plan spreads your annual gas costs evenly over 12 months, providing greater predictability. You can learn more by emailing us at gas@epcor.com.
We value your trust and are committed to providing clear and accurate information. If you have any questions about these rate changes or any other aspect of your bill, please contact us. Our customer service team is ready to assist you at 1-888-765-2256.
Adding a valid email address and phone number to your account ensures EPCOR can provide you with timely notices and information relevant to your service.
Updating your information is simple. Visit epcor.bruce.wfndr.com/account to complete your account profile for each property where you currently receive natural gas service from EPCOR.
Once we receive your updated information, EPCOR Customer Care will verify your details and add them to your account.