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Historical electricity rates

Look at past rates to understand how they change. Use what you discover to help you decide what electricity plan is right for you.


Historical residential rates

Encor residential electricity rates

Look back at Encor’s electricity rates. Seeing past rates will give you an idea of what to expect in future. It can also help you decide what electric plan is right for you.  

Month Index Electricity Price
(per kWh)
Encor's 5 Year Floating Electricity Rate
(per kWh)
Encor's 5 Year Fixed Electricity Rate
(per kWh)
Average RRO Rate
(per kWh)
  Doesn't include the applicable administration charges. Pay the index price plus 1¢ per kWh transaction fee (already included in the prices listed below).*   The average RRO rate for the 4 major service territories in Alberta (EPCOR, Fortis Alberta, ATCO and Enmax).
Aug 2024 3.845¢ 4.845¢ 9.79¢ 13.195¢
Jul 2024 11.693​¢ 12.693​¢ 9.79¢ 11.860¢
Jun 2024 3.355¢ 4.355¢ 9.79​¢ 11.286¢
May 2024 ​3.679¢ 4.679¢ ​9.89¢ 10.550¢ 
Apr 2024 7.322¢ ​8.322¢ 11.49¢ 14.167¢ 
Mar 2024 ​7.020¢ ​8.020¢ 11.49¢ 13.186¢
Feb 2024 ​8.580¢ 9.580¢ 11.49¢ 17.886¢ 
Jan 2024 18.007¢ ​19.007¢ 12.19¢ ​19.112¢
Dec 2023 5.580¢ ​6.580¢ 12.19¢ 20.368¢
Nov 2023 ​10.109¢ 11.109¢ 12.19¢ 19.316¢
Oct 2023 ​11.039¢ 12.039¢ 12.19¢ 19.63¢
Regulated residential electricity rates

Your rates with the regulated rate option (RRO) are reviewed and approved by the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC). Rates go up or down based on market conditions. Look back on the last year to see how rates and charges have changed. 

  Approved RRO Market Electricity Rate
(¢ per kWh)
GOA / RRO Deferral Rate
(¢ per kWh)
Administration Charges
($ per day)
Sep 2024 ​7.548 ¢ 3.931 ¢ $0.264
Aug 2024 9.923 ¢ 3.543 ¢ $0.227​
Jul 2024 8.721 ​¢ 3.352 ​¢ $0.227​
Jun 2024 ​7.801 ¢ 3.859 ¢ ​$0.227​
May 2024 7.050 ¢ 3.884 ¢ $0.227​
Apr 2024 ​10.932 ¢ ​3.774 ¢ $0.227​
Mar 2024 ​​9.978 ¢​ 3.147 ¢​ $0.211
Feb 2024 ​16.917 ¢​ ​2.836 ¢ $0.211
Jan 2024 ​18.301 ¢ ​2.431 ¢​ $0.211
Dec 2023 18.419 ¢ ​2.236 ¢ ​$0.211
Nov 2023 16.820 ¢ ​2.422 ¢ $0.211
Oct 2023 16.965 ¢ ​2.486 ¢ $0.211
Sep 2023 24.680 ¢ 2.737 ¢ $0.211

The Government of Alberta passed legislation under the Regulated Rate Option Stability Act that implemented a temporary price ceiling of 13.5 ¢/kWh on the Regulated Rate Option (RRO) from January - March 2023.

The GOA legislation requires RRO providers (including EPCOR) to recover the actual cost of the electricity above the price ceiling and these amounts will be applied to RRO customer bills from April 2023 – December 2024. The electricity charge for those months on RRO bills will include a deferral amount and the current market rate for the billing period.

For more information about the Government of Alberta’s policies, please visit Affordability Action Plan.

Historical commercial rates

Regulated commercial electricity rates
  Small Commercial Lighting Farm Irrigation Oil and Gas
Sep 2024 7.647 ¢ ​5.946 ¢ ​7.600 ¢ 7.475 ¢ 7.459 ¢
Aug 2024 10.057 ¢ 6.993 ¢ 9.994 ¢ 9.718 ¢ 9.693 ¢
Jul 2024 ​8.838 ¢ 6.324 ¢​ 8.783 ¢ 8.619 ¢​ 8.602 ¢
Jun 2024 ​7.905 ¢ ​5.733 ¢ 7.856 ¢ 7.734 ¢ ​7.719 ¢
May 2024 7.142 ¢ ​5.678 ¢ 7.099 ¢ ​7.048 ¢ 7.037 ¢
Apr 2024 11.081 ¢ 8.755 ¢ ​11.011 ¢ 10.956 ¢ 10.937 ¢
Mar 2024 ​10.114 ¢ ​8.654 ¢ 10.050 ¢ 10.027 ¢ 10.012 ¢
Feb 2024 ​15.459 ¢ 12.531 ¢ ​15.359 ¢ 15.219 ¢ 15.184 ¢
Jan 2024 ​17.156 ¢ 14.418 ¢ ​17.044 ¢ 16.811 ¢ ​16.769 ¢
Dec 2023 ​18.561 ¢ ​15.955 ¢ ​18.438 ¢ 18.208 ¢ ​18.166 ¢
Nov 2023 17.057 ¢ 14.318 ¢ 16.946 ¢ 16.738 ¢ ​16.706 ¢
Oct 2023 ​​17.205 ¢ ​13.179 ¢ 17.091 ¢ 16.792 ¢ ​16.752 ¢
Sep 2023
​25.033 ¢ ​17.045 ¢ 24.867 ¢ ​24.131 ¢ 24.057 ¢
Government of Alberta / RRO deferral rate (¢ per kWh)
  Small Commercial Lighting Farm Irrigation Oil and Gas
Sep 2024 3.398 ¢ ​1.858 ¢ 5.464 ¢ 0.061 ¢ ​3.844 ¢
Aug 2024 3.152 ¢ 2.226 ¢ 5.387 ¢ ​0.027 ¢ 3.676 ¢
Jul 2024 3.019 ¢ ​2.819 ¢ 5.340 ¢​ 0.013 ¢​ 3.758 ¢​
Jun 2024 ​3.366 ¢ 3.037 ¢ ​5.916 ¢ 0.016 ¢​ ​3.857 ¢
May 2024 3.329 ¢ ​2.467 ¢ ​5.270 ¢ ​0.033 ¢ ​3.103 ¢
Apr 2024 3.236 ¢ 2.066 ¢ ​4.385 ¢ ​0.266 ¢ ​3.000 ¢
Mar 2024 2.645 ¢ ​1.643 ¢ ​3.316 ¢ 1.209 ¢ 2.604 ¢
Feb 2024 2.487 ¢ ​1.445 ¢ ​2.843 ¢ ​1.776 ¢ ​2.593 ¢
Jan 2024 ​2.207 ¢ 1.180 ¢ 2.424 ¢ 2.027 ¢ ​2.348 ¢
Dec 2023 ​2.172 ¢
​1.080 ¢ 2.257 ¢ ​2.031 ¢ 2.293 ¢
Nov 2023 ​2.305 ¢ ​1.195 ¢ ​2.543 ¢ ​1.111 ¢ 2.772 ¢
Oct 2023 ​2.425 ¢ 1.322 ¢ 3.009 ¢ 0.111 ¢ 2.879 ¢
Sep 2023
2.532 ¢ ​1.622 ¢ ​3.606 ¢ ​0.037 ¢ ​2.953 ¢
Regulated commercial administration charges ($ per day)
  Small Commercial Lighting Farm Irrigation Oil and Gas
Sep 2024 $0.334​ ​$0.231 $0.138​ ​$0.005 $6.734
Aug 2024 ​$0.310 $0.194 $0.201​ $0.182​ $2.062
Jul 2024 ​$0.310 $0.194 $0.201​ $0.182​ $2.062
Jun 2024 ​$0.310 $0.194 $0.201​ $0.182​ $2.062
May 2024 ​$0.310 $0.194 $0.201​ $0.182​ $2.062
Apr 2024 ​$0.310 $0.194 $0.201​ $0.182​ $2.062
Mar 2024 ​$0.247 ​$​0.199 ​$0.194​ ​$0.159 ​​$1.017
Feb 2024 ​$0.247 ​$​0.199 ​$0.194​ ​$0.159 ​​$1.017
Jan 2024 ​$0.247 ​$​0.199 ​$0.194​ ​$0.159 ​​$1.017
Dec 2023 ​$0.247 ​$​0.199 ​$0.194​ ​$0.159 ​​$1.017
Nov 2023 ​$0.247 ​$​0.199 ​$0.194​ ​$0.159 ​​$1.017
Oct 2023 ​$0.247 ​$​0.199 ​$0.194​ ​$0.159 ​​$1.017
Sep 2023
​$0.247 ​$​0.199 ​$0.194​ ​$0.159 ​​$1.017


More about rates

Be a bill expert.


Current residential rates

In Alberta, you’re not stuck with one rate. You have choice. Compare RRO rates with rates from Encor, our competitive retailer. 


Current business rates

Your business is personal, your rate can be too. View your rate options and see if you qualify for a custom rate. 


How rates are set

Setting your rate is a group effort. Discover the process. 

Customers are free to purchase natural gas services or electricity services from a retailer of their choice. For a list of retailers, visit ucahelps.alberta.ca or call 310-4822 (toll free in Alberta).

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