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Understanding the Regulated Rate Option

Learn more information about the Regulated Rate Option, including how the rate is determined.

W​​​hat does the Regulated Rate Option (RRO) mean?

As a retailer and wires company in Alberta, EPCOR buys energy from the competitive wholesale market and delivers it to your home or business.

Albertans can choose between a competitive energy retailer with a fixed or variable rate, or the regulated rate option (RRO). The RRO reflects the current market price wire companies like EPCOR, pay for electricity and can change month to month based on the competitive market conditions in which electricity is purchased.

Albertans who have not signed a contract with a retailer are on the regulated rate option (RRO) for electricity. In Edmonton, EPCOR provides the regulated services for electricity.

If you are an RRO customer, you may see the rate you pay for electricity change from month to month based on supply and demand in the electricity marketplace.

How regulated rates are determined

Based on a rate-setting plan approved by the Alberta Utilities Commission, we buy electricity four months in advance to help stabilize and potentially lower prices for our customers. The further out we're able to purchase electricity, the less costly the electricity.

The RRO rate on your bill will change each month, and can increase, decrease, or stay the same based on market conditions such as supply and demand, and seasonal temperatures. 

Electricity supply is affected by:

  • Generation plants being down for maintenance
  • Limitations in getting electricity from its source to consumers

Electricity demand is affected by:

  • The number of consumers
  • Changes in how much electricity is being used by each customer

You can reduce the impact of RRO rate changes by:

  • Conserving energy where possible. 
  • Signing up for an equalized payment plan

​RRO ​Eligibility

To be eligible for the RRO, you need to:

  • Be a residential or farm and irrigation customer
  • Be a small business or commercial operation that uses less than 250,000 kWh of electricity per year
  • Be 16 years of age or older​

If you're not sure which rate option you are currently on, learn more about how to understand your bill​​​.

Learn about your rate options

In Alberta, you have the opportunity to choose your utility rate option. You can choose a plan with a competitive energy retailer, with options for a fixed rate or floating rate plan, or remain on the RRO.For more information on Alberta electricity rates and how electricity is governed in Alberta, please visit:

The Government of Alberta passed legislation under the Regulated Rate Option Stability Act that implemented a temporary price ceiling of 13.5 ¢/kWh on the Regulated Rate Option (RRO) from January - March 2023.

The GOA legislation requires RRO providers (including EPCOR) to recover the actual cost of the electricity above the price ceiling and these amounts will be applied to RRO customer bills from April 2023 – December 2024. The electricity charge for those months on RRO bills will include a deferral amount and the current market rate for the billing period.

For more information about the Government of Alberta’s policies, please visit Affordability Action Plan.

Customers are free to purchase natural gas services or electricity services from a retailer of their choice. For a list of retailers, visit ucahelps.alberta.ca or call 310-4822 (toll free in Alberta).

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