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Charitable partnerships

We support charities in the communities where we operate. Review our charitable partnership criteria and apply for support.

Sometimes a helping hand needs a helping hand

EPCOR helps non-profits and charities ensure youth in need have a chance at a better tomorrow. Whether it be through improving literacy, helping youth finish high school or inspiring the next generation of STEM professionals – all these things matter. We look for partnerships that offer sustained programming that can make a lasting difference.

Our 3 focus areas

We focus our support on three critical educational milestones that can mean the difference between poverty and prosperity.

  1. Ready - Learning readiness and achieving early literacy milestones 
  2. Set - Staying in school and moving towards high school completion 
  3. Go - High school completion and pursuit of post-secondary education or other career-related pursuits

Our support model

With our charitable partnership program, we go beyond just cutting a cheque. We look for multi-year partnerships (up to three years) in the range of $30,000 to $50,000 per year and look for opportunities to mobilize our employees, facilities, and other resources unique to EPCOR. Our goal is to create a true partnership that has more impact on young lives and to bring profile to the work we are doing together.

Eligible requests

The organization requesting funding should:

  • Be a federally-registered charitable organization (for at least 1 year).
  • Request support for a specific initiative.
  • Demonstrate the ability to successfully execute the initiative.
  • Demonstrate the ability to provide measurable outcomes of the initiative's success that align with our education focus.
  • Demonstrate the ability to work with us to cultivate a partnership and bring profile to the work we are doing together.

The initiative should:

  • Directly support at least one of our three education focus areas.
  • Take a root cause, sustainable approach.
  • Support a socially-vulnerable demographic.
  • Provide ongoing support to a consistent group of youth. For example: a program that reaches the same group every day or every week.
  • Be delivered within an EPCOR operating community.
  • Provide opportunities to engage EPCOR like employee volunteering or showcasing types of careers, etc.

Use of funds:

  • Funds must be applied only toward the approved initiative.
  • Funds must be applied within one year of being granted.
  • A report must be received prior to re-applying for a previously-funded program.
  • If re-applying for a previously-funded program, the application must be submitted no earlier than one year from the time the original funding was received.
Ineligible requests

The following organizations and/or activities aren't eligible to receive funding as charitable partners.


  • Organizations that are not federally-registered or have not been registered for at least 1 year
  • For-profit businesses
  • Advocacy or lobbying organizations
  • Fraternal organizations or commercial third-party fundraising organizations
  • Community/Family Foundations, Trusts or Funds


  • Programs that only briefly interact with a group of youth. For example: a one-time half day program
  • Capital campaigns to build infrastructure or cover general operating costs
  • Events, including charity dinners, conferences and tournaments
  • Utility rebates
  • Advertising or promotional initiatives
  • Individual/team applicants or individual/team pursuits
  • Contingency or deficit funds
  • Research
  • Sports programs or tournaments
  • Health-related causes or conditions
  • Political or religious causes
  • Endowments or matching grants
  • Programs delivered outside EPCOR's operating communities
  • Retroactive funding for program expenses incurred prior to EPCOR's funding decision
  • In-kind donations
  • Scholarships or bursaries
Application process and timelines
  • You can submit your application anytime throughout the year. EPCOR reviews applications twice per year following our intake cut-off dates:
    • March 15 
    • October 15 
  • Applications for support of initiatives in our operating communities outside of Edmonton will be reviewed once per year following our October 15th intake deadline.
  • There are two parts to our application form: Stage 1 and Stage 2.
  • After you complete the Stage 1 form, we will conduct a preliminary review of your request. We may reach out to you to ask that you complete the Stage 2 section to provide greater detail and insight into your program.
  • We will reach out to you regarding the success of your application 2-4 weeks after our intake deadline date.
  • Due to the volume of requests we receive, we're unable to respond to telephone or email inquiries regarding the status of your request.

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