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EPCOR Technologies

EPCOR Technologies

EPCOR Technologies is an integrated service provider offering Fiber Optic Solutions and Underground Residential Distribution Equipment (URD) Sales in the Alberta marketplace. As an unregulated operating subsidiary of EPCOR Utilities Inc., we serve government, utility and private customers such as developers, general contractors and industrial organizations.


Fiber optic solutions

Providing comprehensive communications and telecommunications infrastructure support through our complete fiber optic cabling solutions. Our range of solutions spans from conduit installation to cable installation. We deliver underground or overhead installation solutions that can meet your data and IT systems management needs, including dark fiber leasing.


Underground residential distribution equipment sales

We have a long history of providing underground residential distribution systems that keep power flowing to communities and businesses. We deliver quality solutions because we understand the needs and challenges of our public sector, utility and industry clients.

Why Choose EPCOR Technologies?

Integrated service offerings

Our in-house engineering, procurement and construction teams work hand-in-hand to design and deliver innovative solutions. Turnkey or multi-service projects allow us to find time and cost savings at various stages of a project. This minimizes our customer's risk and allows us to execute more efficiently.

Technological integration

New technologies are revolutionizing infrastructure delivery. We strive to be the best at supporting customers in capitalizing on these benefits across all of our services. We don't manufacture any of the utility or infrastructure components ourselves. As such we don't have a bias when it comes to recommending the best technology solution for your project.

Safe, dependable, quality workmanship

We strive to ensure every project we undertake is aligned with leading standards for safety, quality and environmental responsibility. Our rigorous safety and quality programs offer consistency and dependability. 

Contact us

Interested in working with us or want to learn more about our services? We encourage you to call or email if you have questions.

URD Sales
Phone: 780-722-8481
Email: SGrisenthwaite@epcor.com and SMBX_URDSales@epcor.com

Fiber Optics
Phone: 780-619-4135
Email: CBauer@epcor.com

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