Welcome to EPCOR Our site is customized by location. Please select the region of your service and we’ll remember your selection for next time.
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Our site is customized by location. Please select the region of your service and we’ll remember your selection for next time.

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Select a region for customized content and rates

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All Alberta locations except Edmonton
French Creek
Aylmer and area
Collingwood and area
Kincardine and area
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Select a region for customized content and rates

Mouse hover over any region to see the map here
All Alberta locations except Edmonton
French Creek
Aylmer and area
Collingwood and area
Kincardine and area

Select a region for customized content and rates

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Social media comment policy

EPCOR's social media comment policy

We can't commit to replying to every comment posted. We will, however, try to join in when possible.

The views of participants on EPCOR social media channels don't necessarily represent the views of EPCOR. EPCOR staff will be monitoring and may contribute or intervene, as appropriate.

In the case of ongoing investigations or legal proceedings, we will not be able to comment.

We require a valid email address for every comment on our website. Email addresses will only be used if we have a question in response to your comment. It will not be used for any other purpose by EPCOR. We do not allow anonymous comments.

Most social media sites require you to have an account in order to participate. Please check the end user agreement of the site in question (e.g., Facebook, X, etc.).

All comments will be followed and/or moderated by EPCOR staff. Please keep in mind that EPCOR will not tolerate comments that are offensive to an individual or an organization, rude in tone, or abusive. We also reserve the right to edit or refuse comments including but not limited to:

  • Contrary to the principles of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the United States Constitution or any other applicable law or regulation
  • Racist, hateful, sexist, homophobic, slanderous, insulting, or life-threatening messages
  • Serious, unproven or inaccurate accusations against individuals or organizations
  • Spreading unproven or inaccurate information
  • Aggressive, coarse, violent, obscene, or pornographic comments
  • Messages where the sender is not the author
  • Messages for advertising purposes
  • Announcements from labour or political organizations
  • Messages written in a language other than English
  • Unintelligible or irrelevant messages
  • Any other messages - including posts repetitive in nature - that the forum moderators feel interrupt, do not add to or are otherwise unrelated to the normal flow of debate

Users who continually ignore or violate the spirit of this comment policy will be warned and may be banned from our social media channels.

To protect your own privacy and the privacy of others, please do not publically share phone numbers, email addresses, or other personal information.

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