Welcome to EPCOR Our site is customized by location. Please select the region of your service and we’ll remember your selection for next time.
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Our site is customized by location. Please select the region of your service and we’ll remember your selection for next time.

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Select a region for customized content and rates

Mouse hover over any region to see the map here
All Alberta locations except Edmonton
French Creek
Aylmer and area
Collingwood and area
Kincardine and area
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Select a region for customized content and rates

Mouse hover over any region to see the map here
All Alberta locations except Edmonton
French Creek
Aylmer and area
Collingwood and area
Kincardine and area

Select a region for customized content and rates

Select a region for customized content and rates

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Move services

Already have electricity services and just need to make a change? Manage your account and cross it off your to do list. 

Move electricity services in four easy steps: 

  1. Apply to transfer services at least 3 days in advance 
  2. Download and complete our application form for your NEW address 
  3. Send us your completed form by: 
    1. Email: moves.ontario@epcor.com  
    2. Drop box: 43 Steward Road, Collingwood, Ontario 
  4. Complete a final read request form to close services for your OLD address

Final read request form 

Fill this form out if: 

  • You are ending services at one address and moving to another address in our service area 
  • You are moving out of our service area and ending services with us for good. We’re sad to see you go! 

It can take up to four weeks after your move out date to get your final bill at the forwarded address you gave us.

We keep it easy for landlords 

Here’s the deal. We know, if you’re a landlord, your to do list is a mile long. Let us take something off it. When your renter moves out, we’ll put the account back in your name automatically. No calls necessary. 

Explore EPCOR


Start electricity services

New to our service area or setting up electricity for the first time? Get reliable power service to your home now. 


Understand your bill

You want to know what you’re paying for. We’re here to help you understand. 


Terms and conditions 

If you want to start services with us or already have them, these details are what we mutually agree to. 

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