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Any combination of environmentally friendly, small-scale energy generators that generate 500 kW or less is eligible under the Net Metering Program and may be connected to the electric distribution system—the grid that delivers energy to homes and businesses across the province. Ways to generate your own energy include:
The Net Metering program measures the quantity of electricity you use against the quantity of electricity you generate through renewable energy sources. In partnership with the Ontario Energy Board, we help ensure the energy you produce is safe and reliable for you and your neighbours.
You can apply for the Net Metering program if you are an EPCOR customer and meet the following conditions:
If you’re looking to Net Meter 11-500 kW, please visit and follow the process on the Distributed Energy Resource page. If you would like to apply for Micro-Net Metering of 10 kW or less, here is what you’ll need to do:
Complete the Preliminary Consultation Information Requestopens in a new tab and return to dxgeneration.eedo@epcor.com. The information collected in this form initiates the process, after which EPCOR provides a response confirming available generation capacity, and approval to begin Step 2.
The micro-net metering process document provides a clear step-by-step outline for completing an application.
Net Metering can help you save money on your power bill and benefit the environment through renewable energy. You'll receive credits based on the amount of electricity you provide back to the electricity grid and those credits will show up on your monthly electricity bill. Net Metering also allows you to generate electricity without the need to purchase expensive batteries or a backup generator.
By participating in the Net Metering Program, you will have the net energy charge on your electricity bill adjusted according to the Net Metering Regulation. We will continue to read your meter as we do now.
Bills based on actual meter readings will reflect the difference between the value of the electricity you inject into the grid compared to the value of electricity you consume from the grid.
If you generate more power than you use during a billing period, you will receive a credit that is carried over to the next billing period. Excess generation will be considered credits that can be carried forward for up to 12 months to offset future electricity costs.
Based on the billing cycle, we'll determine the Account Clearing Month, at which time all unused energy credits will be reduced to $0.
For HST purposes, the supply of energy to the customer and the exporting of energy onto the grid are considered to be separate supplies. As a result, you will be charged HST based on the gross supply of electricity rather than the net supply.
Visit the OEB information pageopens in a new tab on Net Metering.
Email: dxgeneration.eedo@epcor.com
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