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Want to save energy and reduce costs? Check your current rate plan (ULO, TOU, or Tiered) to identify the off-peak hours. These are the most cost-effective times to utilize energy-intensive tasks like laundry, dishwashing, and more.
Learn more about Time-of-Use, Tiered and Ultra-Low Overnight pricing.
The ULO price periods are the same in the summer as they are in the winter.
Charge description | Included in | Price |
Service Charge | Delivery | $31.80 |
Rate Rider - Group 2 Variance/Deferral Accounts | Delivery | $0.88 |
Rate Rider - Smart Metering Entity Charge | Delivery | $0.42 |
Low Voltage Service Rate (per kWh) | Delivery | $0.0041 |
Rate Rider - General Variance/Deferral Accounts (per kWh) | Delivery | $0.0097 |
Rate Rider - Capacity Based Recovery (per kWh) | Delivery | ($0.0002) |
Rate Rider - Global Adjustment Account (per kWh) | Delivery | $0.0006 |
Transmission Network Service Rate (per kWh*) | Delivery | $0.0109 |
Transmission Connection Service Rate (per kWh*) | Delivery | $0.0071 |
Wholesale Market Service Rate (per kWh*) | Regulatory | $0.0041 |
Rural Rate Protection Charge (per kWh*) | Regulatory | $0.0015 |
Capacity Based Recovery Charge (per kWh*) | Regulatory | $0.0004 |
Standard Service Supply Admin Charge (per month) | Regulatory | $0.25 |
*Denotes charge that is applied loss adjusted consumption (volume). All other kWh charges use metered consumption.
Line Loss Adjustment: It is normal for a small amount of power to be lost as it travels over our power lines to your home or business. In calculating your electricity costs for the billing period, we multiply your electricity cost by an adjustment factor that accounts for those losses. We do this using an adjustment factor that is approved by the Ontario Energy Board. The charges for losses are included on the Delivery line of your bill.
If you are enrolled with a retailer you will see an amount for your energy charge based on your energy contact. You will also have a separate line on your bill related to your retailer rate: Global adjustment cost for the month.