Start electricity services

We provide electricity for Collingwood, Stayner, Creemore and a portion of Blue Mountains (formerly Thornbury). We also bill you for water and sewer services on behalf of the Town of Collingwood. Contact your local municipality if you require water/sewer services in Stayner, Creemore or Blue Mountains.

When starting a service or moving to a new address, please give us 3 days advance notice. Advance notice ensures your move is completed in a timely manner.

Starting or moving services

If you are opening your first EPCOR account or already have an account with us and are moving to a new, resale or rental home, download our Electrical Energy and/or Water Services Contract Application Formopens in a new tab.

  1. After you have downloaded the form and saved it to your computer, open and fill out the application. Once complete, save the form to your computer.
  2. Email the completed form to, feel free to drop it in our secure drop-box located at the front of our office at 43 Stewart Road, Collingwood, Ontario.​

  3. If notification from your lawyer is required to complete your request, please get them to contact us at the above phone number or email or fax us at 705-445-8267.​

It may take up to 8 weeks to receive your first bill. A setup fee will be applied.

Make your payments hassle-free by signing up for automatic withdrawal.

Ending services

If you are moving out of our distribution area and want to end your services, or want to close your current account as you are moving to a new address within our service area, please fill out the Final Read Request Form.  To transfer your account to your new address, please complete an application as well as the Final Read Request Form.

Rental properties

Please note we may require a $200 deposit for residential customers unless a credit letter from a previous utility company or a letter of low income from an Ontario Disability Support Program worker can be provided.  


When your tenant vacates the property, the account will automatically be put back into your name if we are not informed otherwise. If you have a new renter moving in, please advise them to contact our office.

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