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Genesee substation

To accommodate Capital Power’s Repowering Project, EPCOR plans to expand the Genesee Substation. If approved, this will involve building a new fenced substation site west of the existing Genesee Substation. This project will also include modifications to the existing Genesee Substation site, constructing two 500 kV bus extensions, and constructing new 138 kV transmission lines to connect to nearby existing electrical infrastructure. The 138 kV transmission lines will be strung on steel H-Frame and A-Frame structures.

Additional modifications to the Genesee Substation may be required in the future to accommodate Capital Power’s recently proposed Genesee Battery Storage Project. The Battery project is separate from the Capital Power’s Repowering Project outlined on this page. If changes are required to EPCOR’s transmission facilities as a result of Capital Power’s Battery Project, we will provide information to landowners, interest holders and occupants and seek feedback as required by the AUC.

​Wha​t's new

On October 6, 2022, EPCOR received approval from the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) to expand the Genesee Substation. This project is currently in construction and is expected to be completed in June 2024.

Project overview

Project details

This project will also include modifications to the existing Genesee Substation site, constructing two 500 kV bus extensions, and constructing 138 kV transmission lines to connect to nearby existing electrical infrastructure (see map for details). The 138 kV transmission lines will be strung on steel H-Frame and A-Frame structures.

The planned ex​​pansion will include the following new equipment and transmission lines:
  • Addition of one (1) 500/138 kV transformer
  • Addition of four (4) 500 kV circuit breakers
  • Addition of eight (8) 138 kV circuit breakers
  • Construction of approximately 210 metres of 500 kV bus extension
  • Construction of approximately 210 metres of 500 kV bus extension
  • Construction of approximately 200 metres of 138 kV transmission line (to be named 12TC2L)
  • Construction of approximately 255 metres of 138 kV transmission line (to be named SST1L)
  • Construction of approximately 255 metres of 138 kV transmission line (to be named SST2L)
  • Construction of approximately 255 metres of 138 kV transmission line (to be named SST3L)​
Modifications to the existing Genesee Substation site and transmission lines will include:
  • Removal of one (1) 500/240/138 kV transformer
  • Removal of eight (8) 138 kV circuit breakers
  • Relocation of 160 metres of 138 kV transmission line (named 430L)
  • Relocation of 170 metres of 138 kV transmission line (named 8L10)​​​​
Construction details
Site sele​c​​tion

The proposed site for the expansion was selected because it is in close proximity to the existing Genesee Substation site and Capital Power's Repowering Project, provides sufficient access for construction and maintenance vehicles, and minimizes environmental impacts. A retention pond, approximately 110 metres by 90 metres and 3.5 metres deep, will be constructed in the southwest corner of the substation expansion to ensure proper drainage.

​Work sp​​a​​ce

All work areas will be safe and secure and all construction activities will be in accordance with EPCOR’s health, safety and environmental procedures and guidelines. If this project is approved by the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC), EPCOR will require temporary workspace around the proposed substation expansion site and a laydown area during construction (approximately 85 by 275 metres). The temporary workspace and laydown area remains unchanged.

Maps and diagrams
Project schedule

EPCOR is beginning our public consultation program and invites you to contact us to discuss the project. Over the next few weeks, EPCOR project team members will contact landowners, occupants, and interest holders who are directly adjacent to the proposed substation expansion site. Once we have received feedback on the project, we will file a Facility Application with the AUC for approval to build and operate the new facilities. EPCOR follows AUC Rule 007 for transmission facilities and feedback gathered during consultation will be included in our Facility Application. 

  • January 2022 - Consultation began​
  • May 2022 – Project update
  • June 2022 - EPCOR submits the Facility Application for approval to the AUC
  • Fall 2022 - If approved by the AUC, construction begin
  • June 2024 - Construction complete and facilities operating​​
Regulatory process
About the Alberta ​Utilities Commission (AUC)

Alberta's electric system is regulated by the AUC. The AUC is an independent quasi-judicial agency that ensures the delivery of Alberta's utility service takes place in a manner that is fair, responsible and in the public's interest. The AUC must approve this project before EPCOR can begin work. For more information about how you can participate in the process, please visit the AUC website.

About the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO)

The AESO is an independent, not-for-profit organization responsible for the safe, reliable and economic planning and operation of the provincial transmission grid. For more information about why this project is needed, please refer to AESO's Need Overview or visit www.aeso.ca. If you have any questions or concerns about the need for this project or the proposed transmission development to meet the need you may contact the AESO directly. You can also make your questions or concerns known to an EPCOR representative who will collect your personal information for the purpose of addressing your questions and/or concerns to the AESO. This process may include disclosure of your personal information to the AESO.

Alberta Electric Syste​​m Operator (AESO)​

Call: 1-888-866-2959
Email: stakeholder.relations@aeso.ca
Website: www.aeso.ca

​Updates to the su​bstation expansion site and retention pond

Due to existing underground infrastructure in the area, the location of the planned substation expansion site has been adjusted and is now approximately 236 by 246 metres (originally 236 by 236 meters). The alignment of the structures and transmission lines between the two substation sites have shifted slightly as a result of this change (see map for details). The new equipment required for the substation expansion remains unchanged from the January 2022. The list of new equipment can be found at epcor.com/consultation. The layout of the planned retention pond has also changed and is now approximately 53 by 137 metres (originally 90 by 110 metres). The retention pond is required to ensure proper drainage at the planned substation expansion site.

Contact us

EPCOR believes in listening to and engaging stakeholders. Community input and involvement is an important part of our decision-making process. We believe in working towards solutions together and consulting with the public on initiatives. If you have any questions or would like to provide input on this project, please contact us.


​Your questions are important to us.

Contact EPCOR

Phone: 780-412-4040
Email: consultation@epcor.com

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