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All Alberta locations except Edmonton
French Creek
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All Alberta locations except Edmonton
French Creek
Aylmer and area
Collingwood and area
Kincardine and area

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Faulted services within multi-family unit sites

Electrical asset ownership and responsibilities within Multi-Family Unit sites

Property owners of Multi-family Unit (MFU) sites own and are responsible for the underground utility service cables on their property and any maintenance and repairs needed. This includes the secondary cables, pedestals, switchgear or internal panels located on your property, from the customer-owned pedestal to the meter point.

Learn more about faulted services.

Temporary power service

EPCOR will provide temporary power service for 30 days to enable the property owner to arrange and complete the necessary repairs to a faulted service.

Maintenance and repair responsibilities

Property owners are responsible for installing and maintaining all electrical service connections located on their property. This includes locating the source of a power disruption and activities associated with repairs such as excavating, trenching, backfilling and landscaping.

These responsibilities are outlined in Section 8 of the EPCOR Distribution and Transmission Inc. Connection Service's Terms and Conditions.

To locate the fault, you may hire EPCOR’s services or your own private contractor.

View the Customer Connection Guide to learn more.

More information

Please call the Faulted Services Representative 780-818-5516 if you have any questions or require further information.

To ensure maintenance and repair activities are being conducted safely, please call Utility Safety Partners at 1-800-242-3447 for utility locates before any excavations take place.

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