Welcome to EPCOR Our site is customized by location. Please select the region of your service and we’ll remember your selection for next time.
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Our site is customized by location. Please select the region of your service and we’ll remember your selection for next time.

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Select a region for customized content and rates

Mouse hover over any region to see the map here
All Alberta locations except Edmonton
French Creek
Aylmer and area
Collingwood and area
Kincardine and area
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Select a region for customized content and rates

Mouse hover over any region to see the map here
All Alberta locations except Edmonton
French Creek
Aylmer and area
Collingwood and area
Kincardine and area

Select a region for customized content and rates

Select a region for customized content and rates

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Apply for connection

Get conn​ected

Use these online forms to submit connection requests for new builds/developments, established neighbourhoods, and renovations within Edmonton including:

  • Single family homes
  • Commercial, industrial or multi-family homes
  • Unmetered power service
  • Budgetary power estimates​

Apply for water and drainage​

Apply ​for pow​er

During periods of high site traffic, you may be placed in a queue before entering My Account. If this happens, log in to My Account or create a profile, then select the "For Builders & Developers" tab.


​Your questions are important to us.

Water and drainage

Phone: 780-496-5444
Email: wass.drainage@epcor.com


Phone: 780-412-3128
Email: ces@epcor.com

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