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Electrical infrastructure

Substations, power lines, transformers and cubicle boxes are part of our electrical distribution infrastructure. Learn about our equipment and how to report open or damaged utility boxes.

Stay safe around our electrical equipment

The electrical equipment in your neighbourhood helps us keep the lights on in Edmonton. Learn more about the equipment we use and how to stay safe around it.

Stay back and call EPCOR immediately at 780-412-4500 or complete our online form if you see:

  • Open or damaged utility boxes 
  • Downed power lines
  • Tampering or suspicious activity around electrical equipment

Damaged electrical equipment is most commonly caused by vehicle accidents, severe weather, vandalism and accidental contact when working near electrical equipment. 

About our electrical equipment

Transformers and cubicle utility boxes

Transformers and cubicles are sometimes referred to as utility boxes or electrical boxes. They are the grey or green boxes found on or near your property and throughout the city. 

Transformers and cubicles are tied to underground power lines that deliver electricity to households and businesses. 

This equipment can be dangerous, so they typically have warning signs with "Danger High Voltage" and "Danger Keep Out".

If you seen an open or damaged utility box, contact us at 780-412-4500, and stay away. 

How to be safe around tranformers and cubicle utility boxes: 

1. Report open or damaged electrical boxes

Contact us if you see an electrical box that has been damaged, tampered with, or the door is open. Call our 24/7 emergency line at 780-412-4500 or complete our online form.

2. Don't play on or near transformers or cubicles

Although electrical boxes are enclosed, they can still be dangerous. Don't play on or around them, and keep others away too.

3. Call before you dig

Transformers and cubicles are connected to buried power lines. It's important to call (1-800-242-3447) or click before you dig to locate power lines and other utilities. Learn how to dig safely.

4. Provide access to transformers and cubicles

Always make sure there is a clear 3 metre path on all four sides. When landscaping near electrical boxes, don't block access to ensure crews can quickly access them. This is important when responding to an emergency outage. 

Online form for utility boxes

Complete form to report an open or damaged utility box

How to report an open or damaged utility box

If you see an open or damaged transformer or cubicle utility box, call or report it immediately using the form below. EPCOR Trouble Dispatch will review and action accordingly. 

  1. Identify the open box:
    • Underground or stand-alone distribution box (may also have a streetlight attached).
    • Older boxes are grey; newer boxes are black.
  2. Note the direction of the open door.
    • Street side: Power distribution
    • Home side: Telephone and cable connections

Only fields marked with a red asterisk are mandatory.

Overhead and underground power lines

Power lines can be overhead or underground and have varying structures and voltages. 

How to be safe around power lines: Stay at least 7 metres away. Avoid flying drones or kites near overhead lines, and keep trees away from power lines. Learn how to trim trees safely

Call 911 or our emergency line immediately if you see a downed power line, and give them the exact location of the line. Keep everyone else at least 10 metres away.

Types of power lines

Power lines carry electricity from power plants to homes, schools, and other places where people use it.

Types of power lines

Different types of power lines have different structures and voltages. Whether dealing with a high-voltage transmission line or a lower-voltage distribution line, stay at least 7 metres away.

Distribution lines

Distribution lines are medium-voltage lines that run throughout the city. Their voltage can range between 2,400 to 25,000 volts. Distribution lines are mainly underground in newer neighbourhoods and above-ground (pole-mounted) in older urban neighbourhoods. Although they carry less voltage than transmission lines, accidental contacts with distribution lines are more frequent and still quite dangerous.

If your drone or kite contacts a power line, do not try to remove it. Call our Power Emergency line and tell them the location. 

Transmission lines

Transmission lines are high-voltage lines directly connected to power generating stations. Transmission lines can be located either underground or overhead and can carry up to 500,000 volts. This high voltage is necessary for the power to travel longer distances while minimizing electricity loss.

Electrical substations

Our electrical substations reduce high-voltage electricity to a lower voltage used in homes and businesses.

How to stay safe: Always obey safety signs posted around the substations and never enter fenced areas. 

If your ball, drone, kite or frisbee goes over the fence of a substation, do not go in after it. Call our emergency line at 780-412-4500 for assistance.

Report any open gates or suspicious activity to the police and/or our 24/7 emergency line.


This webpage provides information regarding safe work practices in relation to EPCOR power facilities. Employers and contractors have responsibilities under the Alberta Occupational Health and Safety (Alberta OHS) Act, Code, and Regulation. When there is a conflict between this document and any bylaws, legislation, or regulation, the relevant law prevails. Any reliance placed on this information is strictly at your own risk. EPCOR does not assume any responsibility or liability for any action, loss or damage that arises out of, or is in connection with the information contained in this webpage.

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