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Classroom and home learning


Visit the links below to discover learning guides, videos and fun tools to help you learn about water, drainage processes and electricity. It takes a lot to keep the lights on and water flowing and it's more fun than you think!

Learning about electricity​

We've created presentations and resources for Grade 5 teachers in the City of Edmonton to help teach the basics of electricity. Tailored to the Grade 5 Alberta Science curriculum, our modules provide you an with online slide deck and animations, accompanying script and class materials to reinforce student learnings. The presentations are designed so you can move through them at your own pace.

Resources for teachers

Key takeaways

Your class will learn:

  • Where electricity comes from
  • What is an electrical circuit and how does it work
  • What roles do transformers, resistors, conductors play and how do they affect current
  • How to be safe around electricity
  • How does electricity get to your home
Learning expectations

The course is made up of 2 modules:

  • Module 1 - The basics of electricity and circuits
  • Module 2 - Electricity safety and electricity measurement

After going through the modules, students will be able to: 

  1. Recognize and appreciate the potential dangers involved in using sources of electrical currents:
    • Understand that household electrical currents are potentially dangerous and not a suitable source for experimentation
    • Understand that small batteries are a relatively safe source of electricity, for experimentation and study, but that care should be taken to avoid short circuits
    • Understand that short circuits may cause wires to heat up, as well as waste the limited amount of energy in batteries
  2. Demonstrate that a continuous loop of conducting material is needed for an uninterrupted flow of current in a circuit.
  3. Distinguish electrical conductors-materials that allow electricity to flow through them- from insulators-materials that do not allow electricity to flow through them.
  4. Recognize and demonstrate that some materials, including resistors, are partial conductors of electricity.
  5. Predict the effect of placing an electrical resistance in a simple circuit; e.g., in a circuit with a light bulb or electric motor.
  6. Recognize that the amount of electricity we use in our homes is measured in kilowatt hours.
  7. Interpret and explain:
    • The reading on a household electrical meter
    • Efficiency labels on electrical appliances
  8. Draw and interpret, with guidance, circuit diagrams that include symbols for switches, power sources, resistors, lights and motors.
Cross-curricular competencies

Students will also learn how to:

  1. Think critically
  2. Know how to learn
  3. Identify and solve complex problems
  4. Manage information
  5. Identify and apply life skills
​Module presentations

Click on the links below to open the presentations in Google Slides and use the speaking notes to guide you through the lesson.

Activity sheets
  • Activity sheets include fill in the blanks, true or false, a word search, vocabulary and definitions, and applications of electrical devices.​
  • Colouring sheets

Resources for home

Use these tools — along with the program content or on their own — to help kids learn more about electricity.

​Learning about water

Resources for teachers


Resources for home

​Learning about drainage​​

Resources for teachers and home

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