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When you are wondering why your bill amount may have changed, check the details of new charges section found on page 2 of your bill. Following are the first four items to review if you receive a higher than usual bill.
Services included
Reviewing the services on your bill can help determine where your focus needs to be. Is one service such as power causing an increase, or are there increases in other services, such as water, causing the bill to increase overall? For customers also receiving Water, Waste and Drainage charges on their bill, electricity charges usually form 15% to 25% of the customer's total bill.
Billing period
Billing periods are typically between 26-35 days. If the billing period on the bill is for a longer period of time, the charges for consumption could be higher to reflect the number of days in the billing period.
Your consumption
Compare the current consumption with previous months or years to help determine if there are seasonal changes causing increases year over year or during periods with similar conditions (i.e. extreme weather).
If the biling period and consumption are similar to previous months, we recommend having a look at your electricity rate to see if there has been an increase in the rate amount.
Earlier this year, the Government of Alberta announced they would make changes to the Regulated Rate Option (RRO). Effective January 1, 2025 the Regulated Rate Option will change to the Rate of Last Resort. As a regulated electricity provider, EPCOR will provide the Rate of Last Resort in alignment with the Government of Alberta’s new legislation. Learn more about the Rate of Last Resort.
Overlaps in billing
When you move you may be billing for two locations at the same time due to an overlap in possession date. For example, if you remain as the owner of home A until June 30, but take possession of home B on June 15, you’d have an overlap for 15 days, which could lead to a higher bill for that period.
Timing of your payment
If you’ve made a payment to your account after the due date it may not be reflected on the following bill. If the payment is processed after the next bill is printed that payment will not be reflected in your current amount owing.
Deposits are automatically assessed at the time of starting services or when you move services. We may require a deposit or increase an existing deposit as per our terms and conditions.
Delivery charge vs electricity charges
The Energy Charge only forms 40% to 50% of an average customer's energy costs. The balance of your electricity bill is the cost to deliver electricity to your home. This cost is applicable whether you are on the Rate of Last Resort or a competitive contract and depends on how much electricity you consume.
Water meter reading estimates
Every effort is made to obtain an actual water meter reading each month. Occasionally we are unable to get a reading, and we need to estimate your water usage for a portion of the month. If your consumption has been over-estimated, the estimate will be adjusted once we obtain an actual reading. You will only be charged for the water used.
Ask yourself these questions to help you identify why your consumption may have changed.
Billing support
EPCOR will work with you if you are having trouble paying your bills and need support or to find resolution.
Conservation tips
Learn how to reduce your consumption and conserve energy and water inside or outside your home.
How to pay your bill
Find the payment method that works best for you to keep your account up to date.
Customers are free to purchase natural gas services or electricity services from a retailer of their choice. For a list of retailers, visit ucahelps.alberta.ca or call 310-4822 (toll free in Alberta).