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Micro-generation and renewable energy systems

Micro-generation includes smaller scale (5MW or less) renewable energy installations you see on homes and businesses across Alberta. They include solar panels, small wind turbines, and other energy generating systems intended to meet part, or all, of your electrical needs.

It's your right, under the Alberta Electric Utilities Act, to generate your own electricity and supply it back to the electrical grid. EPCOR is here to support you by working together with the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) to help ensure that the energy you produce is safe and reliable for you and your neighbours.

Ways to generate your own power

Micro-generation in Alberta includes environmentally-friendly, small-scale energy generators such as:

All micro-generation options must be less than five megawatts (5.0 MW) and produce less than 418 kg/MWh of greenhouse gas intensity. If they meet these criteria, they may be connected to the electric distribution system — the grid that delivers energy to homes, businesses, and farms across the province.

​Benefits of generating your own energy

Micro-generation can help you save money and protect the environment. You'll receive credits based on the amount of electricity your site provides back to the electricity grid and those credits will show up on your monthly electricity bill based on your retailer's energy rate.

Ready to apply to become a micro-generator? Begin the process here.

Distributed generation vs Micro-generation

The majority of households and businesses that produce their own electricity are considered micro-generators. However, larger operations, or customers who produce 5 MW or more of electricity are considered distributed generators. These larger applications of alternative energy production such as solar or wind turbine fields are examples of distributed generators.

If you are interested in learning more about distributed generation please contact us at distgen@epcor.com.

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