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All Alberta locations except Edmonton
French Creek
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All Alberta locations except Edmonton
French Creek
Aylmer and area
Collingwood and area
Kincardine and area

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How meters work

Water meters

The water you use is measured by the water meter in cubic meters (m3). Water meters have flow indicators on the meter face to show water usage. This can be used if you’re troubleshooting possible leaks in your property. If this is moving or you have a low flow indicator on the screen, and everything that uses water in your house is turned off, you have a leak somewhere.

Nine-dial meters

This meter register records usage to the nearest 1/1000. The top left number is the flow indicator, which displays the water flow through the meter at a specific time. 

Eight-dial meters

This meter register records usage in cubic meters to the nearest 1/1000. If the meter is manufactured by Neptune or Badger, the flow indicator is a spinning dial, while Mueller meters have a written indicator on the digital display. 

Six-dial meters

This meter register records usage in cubic meters to the nearest 1/10. The flow indicator is a small triangle in the centre of the meter face.  

Power meters

The electricity you use in your house is recorded and displayed by the power meter in kilowatt hours (kWh). If you have an advanced meter, your usage will be displayed with the letters DEL in front of it; DEL stands for the amount of electricity delivered to your home or business.

Meters at sites with high energy use (usually commercial properties), only display a fraction of the energy consumed. This is to prevent the meter display from reaching 999,999 and then "rolling over" past 000,000 too often. These meters have a multiplier indicated on the front of the meter. Your power consumption is measured by reading the meter and multiplying by this number.

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