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Tour a water treatment or wastewater treatment plant to learn more about water treatment and the value of water.
Learn about the value of water with a 30-45 minute walking tour at one of our two water treatment plants in Edmonton: Rossdale or E.L. Smith.
By touring our site-specific infrastructure and processes, you'll learn about the journey water takes before it gets to your home.
For more information, email us at epcorprojects@epcor.com.
Please note: All of our plants operate 24/7 so tour capacity is very limited. Public tours will not be conducted in March or April. Priority is given to groups from accredited post-secondary institutions that have a focus on water education.
On a walk through of our E.L. Smith Water Treatment Plant, you'll learn about:
On a 90-minute walking tour of our Gold Bar Wastewater Treatment Plant, you'll learn about:
Priority will be given to groups from accredited post-secondary institutions that have a focus on wastewater/environmental education.
For more information, email us at epcorprojects@epcor.com.
Please note: All of our plants operate 24/7 so tour capacity is very limited.
On a walk through of our Gold Bar Wastewater Treatment Plant, you'll learn about:
RiverWatch helps students explore the North Saskatchewan River. We have a longstanding partnership with RiverWatch to support student learning. Over the past 18 years, more than 50,000 students have toured through our Gold Bar plant as part of the RiverWatch program. In the summer of 2018, Gold Bar was part of RiverWatch's new River Ambassador Program, which brought community members by our plant as part of an on-water learning experience.