Landlord information


​​Support for landlords

EPCOR offers property owners, including property management companies and individuals who own a single property, the opportunity to sign up for an Automatic Power Install (API) agreement.

How automatic power installs (APIs) help

An API reduces the risk of the power being disconnected when an account isn't in service at one of your rental properties by automatically transferring electricity services to you or your management company. We'll issue an account number and place each property into service when a tenant leaves so you don't have to worry.

Benefits of APIs

  • Reduce the risk of disconnect or interruption in service by remaining in billing.
  • Save time: You do not have to call or manage your account each time a tenant vacates.
  • No additional disconnect/reconnect fees because the power will remain on at the site.
  • Have the ability to show rental property to prospective tenants with lights on and running appliances.

Winter rules for service

Between the period of October 15 and April 15, or any other time when the temperature is forecast to be below 0° in a 24-hour period, winter rules are in effect. By having an API in place, premise(s) remain in service, and billing continues, reducing the risk of property damage.

All residential premises vacant or not, disconnected for non-payment or on an API or not, may be limited during winter rules for safety concerns such as protecting pipes from freezing. It is the landowner's responsibility for charges at vacant premises during winter rules.

* Wire Owners may fully disconnect or limit services to units (apartments) in a centrally heated facility (apartment or condo building) any time of the year.

How to apply

Complete the Automatic Power Install application opens in a new tabform and submit it to us by email or mail your application form to:

EPCOR Customer Service
2000 - 10423 101 St. NW
Edmonton, AB T5H 0E8

Terms and conditions

  1. Automatic Power Install is only available for power accounts and may be subject to a $300 deposit per service.
  2. As a property management company or property owner, you qualify for Automatic Power Install.
  3. When a tenant cancels power service with us, the designated property management company or property owner is automatically installed. It is the responsibility of the management company or property owner to advise us to transfer the power account if the former tenant does not contact us to cancel service.
  4. The designated management company or property owner will continue to be billed for power service until we are contacted by the new tenant.
  5. If a tenant is disconnected for non-payment, the EPCOR Automatic Install will not apply. Our contact centre will advise you of your energize options and applicable fees.
  6. EPCOR may, at its sole discretion, terminate the customer's Automatic Power Install program at any time and for any reason. 

If the property is sold, you must notify us in writing to cancel the automatic install program and include the list of addresses that must be cancelled from the program. ​

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