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Fee / Charge | Reason | Cost |
Connection service | With notice of at least 3 business days. | No charge |
Expedited connection fee | With notice of less than 3 business days, and if the electricity/natural gas is on at your location. | $10.00 |
Energize fee | With notice of at least 3 business days, and if the electricity/natural gas has been off at your location. | No charge |
Expedited energize fee | With notice of less than 3 business days, and if the electricity/natural gas has been off at your location. | $24.00 |
Reconnection fee | If your electricity/natural gas has been disconnected for non-payment. | $41.00 |
Dishonoured payment charge | If your payment isn't honoured by your bank or financial institution. | $25.00 |
Collection fee | If you were sent a priority post Urgent Disconnection notice due to non-payment. | $15.00 |
Duplicate bills | If you request an additional copy of any bill within the last 24 months. Note: You can also access the last 24 months of your bills for free with My Account. | $3.00 per bill |
Late payment fees | Percentage applied to the unpaid portion of your bill. | 2.5% |
Deposits | Deposits required for specific circumstances. | Varies |
Below are the electricity hook-up charges and other fees, per site, for residential customers on the Rate of Last Resort.
GST is added to all charges.
Service Connection Charge (with 3 business days notice) | No charge |
Expedited Service - if the power is on at the location (with less than 3 business days notice) | $10.00 |
Energize for New Construction (within 8 business days after electrical permit has passed) | No charge |
Advanced Meter with remote access Energize Service - if power has been off at the location (3 to 5 business days wait) | $11.65 |
Non-Standard Meter/Advanced Meter without remote access Energize Service - if power has been off at the location (3 to 5 business days wait) | $54.70 |
Advanced Meter with remote access Energize Expedited Service - if power has been off at the location (within 48 hours) | $35.65 |
Non-Standard Meter/Advanced Meter without remote access Energize Expedited Service - if power has been off at the location (within 48 hours) | $78.70 |
Advanced Meter with remote access Reconnection Fee - if power has been disconnected for non-payment (during business hours) | $52.65 |
Non-Standard Meter/Advanced Meter without remote access Reconnection Fee - if power has been disconnected for non-payment (during business hours) | $95.70 |
Off-Cycle meter read If you require a reading on a date other than when it's normally scheduled to be read | $13.65 |
Customers are free to purchase natural gas services or electricity services from a retailer of their choice. For a list of retailers, visit ucahelps.alberta.ca or call 310-4822 (toll free in Alberta).