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EPCOR must be able to access your yard to get meter readings. If you lock your gate, we may be unable to read your water meter. During the winter months, accessing the meter at your home or business can be potentially dangerous because of heavy snow and icy surfaces. You can help our meter readers remain safe by:
Dogs pose the greatest safety risk to our meter readers. They can be territorial and often try to protect their property from intruders. If there is a dog in your yard, EPCOR will not enter the yard to get a meter reading due to safety concerns.
Your meter reader will:
Important: If someone claiming to be a meter reader does not have an EPCOR identification card, do not let them into your yard, home or business.
We take readings from the water and power meters at your location on the same day. If you have an advanced power meter at your location, this reading is remotely taken at midnight on the day of your next meter reading. The water meter reading at your location will be taken during regular business hours.
To find out the date of your next meter reading:
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