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To support Heidelberg Materials Canada Limited’s (Heidelberg Materials) new net-zero cement production facility, EPCOR is proposing to construct a new 138 kilovolt (kV) single circuit, above-ground transmission line. This new transmission line would connect Heidelberg Materials’ proposed new substation to an existing EPCOR transmission line (711L).
The project includes:
Project notices
We have identified four route options for the proposed new transmission line to connect the existing EPCOR transmission line to Heidelberg Materials’ proposed new substation. Although there are multiple options shown, only one route will be built. We need your input to find the best route.
If approved, the 138 kV transmission line will be built using mostly composite fibreglass poles ranging in height from approximately 20 to 30 metres. Non-typical structures such as steel poles, poles with wider bases, and the use of guy wires may be required at certain locations along the line.
For some of the route sections we are proposing to build the new transmission line in the same alignment as the existing distribution lines in the area. In this scenario, every second or third distribution pole (overbuilt line) would be replaced with a new transmission pole. The distribution equipment would then be attached onto the new transmission pole, underneath the transmission insulators and wires. For one of the proposed route options shown on map (red/yellow), we are proposing to build the new transmission line parallel to the existing distribution line.
In Spring/Summer 2025, EPCOR will apply to the Alberta Utilities Commission for approval to construct the new transmission line and associated project work. If approved, construction would be planned for 2026.
Depending on the work location, landowners and businesses can expect to see activity that is typical to construction, including company/contractor vehicles and equipment. The construction area will be fenced and/or marked as a restricted area. Periodic lane closures may be required in the project area to complete this work.
Power outages
There will likely be power outages during construction. These would occur in 2026/27. EPCOR will be working with affected customers to determine the best approach to schedule and mitigate these outages. If a planned power service interruption is required to complete the work, and you are affected, we will notify you in advance.
The proposed work will create typical noise associated with construction. We will take measures to ensure we comply with the City of Edmonton’s Community Standards Bylaw for Noise Control. If it’s necessary to temporarily exceed acceptable noise levels, we will work with the City of Edmonton to receive necessary permits.
About the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO)
The AESO is an independent, not-for-profit organization responsible for the safe, reliable and economic planning and operation of the provincial transmission grid. For more information about why this project is needed, please refer to AESO's Need Overview or visit www.aeso.ca. If you have any questions or concerns about the need for this project or the proposed transmission development to meet the need, you may contact the AESO directly.
You can also make your questions or concerns known to an EPCOR representative who will collect your personal information for the purpose of addressing your questions and/or concerns to the AESO. This process may include disclosure of your personal information to the AESO.
Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO)
Phone: 1-888-866-2959
Email: stakeholder.relations@aeso.ca
Website: www.aeso.ca
About the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC)
Alberta's electric system is regulated by the AUC. The AUC is an independent quasi-judicial agency that ensures the delivery of Alberta's utility service takes place in a manner that is fair, responsible and in the public's interest. The AUC must approve this project before EPCOR can begin work. For more information about how you can participate in the process, please visit the AUC website.
Contact the AUC
Toll-free: 1-833-511-4282
Phone: 780-310-4282
Website: www.auc.ab.ca
If you have any questions or would like to provide input on this project, please contact us.
Contact EPCOR
Phone: 780-412-4200
Email: epcorprojects@epcor.com
Contact Heidelberg Materials
Heidelberg Materials, who plans to construct and operate a carbon capture facility to create net-zero cement production facility, is completing consultation for the planned new substation located on their property.
If you would like to learn more about the new Heidelberg Materials project, please contact:
Brent Korobanik
Phone: 780-420-2500
Email: EdmontonCCUSinfo@heidelbergmaterials.com