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Water construction projects


Water construction in Edmonton

We work hard to provide clean and safe water. Throughout the year—primarily April to October—we undertake a large number of planned water system upgrades throughout Edmonton so you continue to receive reliable water services. Each water construction project is a part of an ongoing infrastructure program designed to enhance system reliability, coordinate the City's construction activity and/or extend the life of existing water mains.

View map of current ​​water construction

​When water construction is planned for your area

Following is what you need to know when a water construction project will be happening near you:


Construction sites can be dangerous places. Equipment and materials will also be stored near the construction site. Please do not let anyone, especially children, enter the work area. If you see anyone playing around the work site or vandalizing materials or equipment, please contact our contractor immediately. Barricades are set up for your protection and the protection of our workers. It is illegal to move these barricades at any time.

Construction notices

If there is a planned construction project near your property, you will receive a written notice hand-delivered to your door before construction begins. This notice will include specific details about how our project will affect your water services and the contact information of our contractor and an EPCOR representative should you have any questions.

Contact information

If you are in the area of our of our planned construction projects, the construction notice delivered to your door will contain contact information for both our contractor and the EPCOR Representative for the project. Additionally, signs will be posted throughout the construction area with the contact information of our contractor and the EPCOR Representative.

Temporary water services

You may experience a water outage during a planned construction project. View our water outage and impact map to find which water construction projects may be currently active in your area.

If your water service line is going to be disconnected for any more than 8 hours, a temporary water supply will be connected to your house. To connect the external water line, our contractor will need indoor and outdoor access to your home. Once connected, we will check to make sure the water supply is secure and functioning properly. There will be no water consumption charge for water provided through the temporary water line. You will only pay the monthly basic charges for water supply and the water consumption provided by regular metering service.

If your water service is going to be temporarily shut off, you will receive a written notice delivered at least 24 hours in advance of the shutdown. Water service will be restored within eight hours.

Road closures

Our planned construction projects can interrupt vehicle and pedestrian traffic in the area. Road closures will be clearly marked with signage and barricades to keep our workers and the public safe. Road or alley access, on-street parking, garage access, and property access may be limited during the construction period. There may be parking restrictions during construction. If required, parking passes will be provided by our contractor.

Emergency access will be maintained at all times.

Garbage collection

If your garbage is normally collected from the alley, during the construction period garbage pick-up will be moved to the front street. The garbage collection schedule will remain the same. Pick up on the street will continue until the alley is paved and barricades are removed. If you require assistance to move your garbage from the alley to the front street, please call our contractor (contact information will be included with construction notice).


You may hear construction noise and experience vibrations. In order to minimize disruption to you, our contractor will follow the City of Edmonton Noise Bylaw #14600, which permits noise from construction activity between the hours of 7 a.m. and 9 p.m. Monday to Saturday and from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Sundays and statutory holidays.


Lawns or boulevards that were disturbed as part of our construction will be restored with grass seed or sod, in accordance with the City of Edmonton's landscaping requirements. Our landscapers will provide you with instructions regarding the care of this seed or sod, as required. If construction is taking place late in the year (e.g. October), please be advised that this restoration may be completed the following spring, when conditions are suitable. Afterwards, the affected streets, alleys and sidewalks will be restored.

Water​ infrastructure programs in Edmonton

Planned water construction is part of our larger infrastructure programs to ensure reliable, safe, great-tasting drinking water by maintaining or replacing assets. View a list of our infrastructure programs below to learn more about how we are upgrading our water system.

See where current water construction is happening in Edmonton, view our water outage and impact map.

Accelerated water main renewals

​About the program

Accelerated water main renewals involve replacing water infrastructure in areas scheduled for upcoming road rehabilitation by the City of Edmonton. All water mains with a minimum of one break in the past five years are reviewed for replacement in advance of City paving.


This work is completed in our April to October construction season. The projects under this program can vary in size, typically taking between 6 to 8 weeks to complete.

Reactive water main renewals

About the program

Reactive water main renewals help ensure reliable water service for our customers by replacing the most weakened sections of distribution water mains in the system. Water mains that have experienced a high number or frequency of breaks are replaced.  


This work is completed in our April to October construction season. The projects under this program can vary in size, typically taking between 6 to 8 weeks to complete.

Proactive water main renewals

​About the program

Proactive water main renewals help improve water quality, service reliability, accessibility and fire protection by replacing sections of distribution water mains, installing new water mains or appurtenances, or performing other upgrades to the water system. We address issues related to water mains that are no longer accessible, come to dead ends, are experiencing low flow or require upgrades to meet increased demand and updated fire protection standards.


This work is completed in our April to October construction season. The projects under this program can vary in size, typically taking between 2 to 8 weeks to complete.

LRT water main modifications

​About the program

To accommodate the City of Edmonton's LRT construction, we relocate water infrastructure that is in close vicinity to planned LRT track extensions, including water transmission and distribution mains, fire hydrants and water service lines.


This work is completed in our April to October construction season. The projects under this program can vary in size, typically taking between 2 to 8 weeks to complete.

Distribution system modifications

​​About the program

To accommodate the City of Edmonton's construction of new sidewalks, curb alignments and new sewer mains, we relocate water infrastructure such as water mains and hydrants. For example, a water main may need to be moved either above or below a sewer main that is being constructed.


This work takes place throughout the year. The projects under this program can vary in size, typically taking between 2 to 8 weeks to complete.

New water distribution mains

About the program

We work with third-party developers who require small upgrades to the water system to support infill development. This work is funded by the third party and includes things such as the installation of new fire hydrants to meet building codes, hydrant relocations for new driveways or water main upgrades to improve fire protection in increasingly populated areas.  


This work takes place throughout the year. The projects under this program can vary in size, typically taking between 2 to 8 weeks to complete.

Upgrading distribution appurtenances

​About the program

We complete small distribution system upgrades, such as hydrant relocations or valve additions, to help ensure reliable water service for our customers and improve our ability to operate and maintain the system.


This work takes place throughout the year. The projects under this program can vary in size, typically taking between 2 to 4 weeks to complete.

Transmission main network valve chamber refurbishments

About the program

To help ensure the reliability of the water transmission system, we replace or refurbish components that are reaching the ends of their life cycles, including valves, air vents and chambers. 


This work is completed in our April to October construction season. The projects under this program can vary in size, typically taking between 2 to 4 weeks to complete.

Blow-off replacement

​About the program

To help protect drinking water quality, we remove or retrofit connections between water transmission main drain lines and drainage manholes. This work prevents cross connections, piping arrangements that allow a potable water system to be connected to a source of potential pollution or contamination.


This work is completed in our April to October construction season. The projects under this program can vary in size, typically taking between 2 to 4 weeks to complete.

Transmission main rehabilitation or replacement

​About the program

Transmission main rehabilitation and replacement helps ensure the reliability of our water system and reduce the risks of transmission main breaks. Transmission water mains that have a high number or frequency of breaks, or have high potential to cause environmental or property damage should they break, are rehabilitated or replaced.


This work is completed in our April to October construction season. The projects under this program can vary in size, typically taking between 6 to 10 weeks to complete.

Accelerated fire protection program

​About the program

This city driven program focuses on improvements to fire protection  in areas with existing fire flow and hydrant spacing deficiencies in advance of planned paving. Typical projects may include installing / upgrading pipes to improve flows or installing new hydrants.


This work is completed in our April to October construction season. The projects under this program can vary in size, and may take anywhere from 2 to 8 weeks to complete. Construction is coordinated in advance of the City's planned paving. 

Frequently asked questions​​​​

Will I still be able to access my property?

Yes, although access may be limited, you will still be able to access your property. If the road is closed, you will be requested to park your car(s) in an alternate location outside of the construction site. Emergency access will be maintained at all times. If you require special arrangements (i.e. handicapped parking) please talk to our contractor and they can make accommodations for you.

I live in an area that requires a parking pass if my car(s) is/are not parked in front of my property. What do I do if the road in front of my property is closed?

If you require a parking pass to move your vehicle for our construction project, you will be given a parking pass by our contractor. For any questions, please call our contractor's 24 hour line.

If my lawn, boulevard or other landscaping is disturbed as part of EPCOR’s construction, who will repair this?

EPCOR contractors will work to minimize the impact to your property as part of our construction. However, where required, lawns, boulevards, and other landscaping features that were disturbed as part of our construction project will be restored by our contractor in accordance with the City of Edmonton's landscaping requirements. All affected streets, alleys and sidewalks will also be restored at the end of our project.

How will my garbage be collected if the road or alley near my property is closed?

If your garbage is collected in the alley and the alley is closed due to our construction, the garbage collection will be temporarily moved to the front street. Your construction notice will outline these details for you. If you require assistance with moving your garbage to a temporary collection point, please talk to our contractor and they will assist you.

What sort of noise will I hear?

You can expect to hear typical construction noise, including jackhammers to break through the roadway, saws to cut pipe sections, and excavators and dump trucks to move dirt, to name a few. All construction noise will follow City of Edmonton Noise Bylaw #14600.

When will construction activity be taking place?

Construction activity will take place between the hours of 7 a.m. and 9 p.m. Monday to Saturday and from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Sundays and statutory holidays, as per City of Edmonton Noise Bylaw #14600.

What can I do if I see someone interfering with the construction site?

We take the safety of our workers and the public very seriously. If you see an unauthorized person interfering with one of our construction sites, please immediately inform our contractor at their 24 hour line or the EPCOR Representative, whose contact information is included in the construction notice and posted throughout the site.

Where can I get project-specific information?

Project-specific information will be included in your hand-delivered construction notice. Additionally, details specific to each of our active construction projects can be found on the interactive map on our home page.

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