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Shared outcomes for Edmonton's water treatment plants

Our shared outcomes for future water treatment plant work

In November 2020, EPCOR began planning for future work at our Rossdale and E.L. Smith Water Treatment Plants (WTPs) in Edmonton. We invited community members, including Indigenous communities and First Nations, special interest groups, residents, recreational user groups, community league representatives and individuals who have interest in the WTPs. This community engagement work helped us to better understand how we can operate the plants in an environmentally and socially responsible manner that aligns with community interests.

We established five shared outcome statements for the Edmonton water treatment plants and refined them in response to feedback from special interest groups, recreational users, residents, and Indigenous peoples. These shared outcomes will guide our work at the Rossdale and E.L. Smith Water Treatment Plants moving forward.

​Lea​​rn​​ more:

Our shared ou​t​comes are:

Safety: Community, public and worker safety and health are protected through our work at the water treatment plants.

Relationships: Authentic, trusting and respectful long-term relationships are built with community members, area users and Indigenous peoples connected to the water treatment plants.

Reliable, responsible and sustainable: The water treatment plants are designed, maintained and operated in a prudent and responsible manner consistent with good utility practice that contributes to a reliable and sustainable resource for future generations.

Quality of life: EPCOR water treatment plants are operated, maintained and updated in a way that continues to produce high-quality drinking water, considers community experience, and respects our shared history today and into the future.

Environment: Activities at the water treatment plants take a stewardship approach to environmental impacts, holding the air, land, water, and ecosystems in trust for future generations.

So, how will EPCOR achieve these sh​​​ared outcomes? 

In order to define how we will achieve these goals, we've developed a set of high-level design principles for each shared outcome statement. We will incorporate these design principles into our planning documents for our two water treatment plants. Together with the shared outcomes, they will provide a framework to guide the evolution of the Rossdale and E.L. Smith sites.

Learn more by watching our short video.

Working with the community

Find out how we want to work together to plan for the future of our water treatment plants.

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