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Power service for multi-unit dwellings


​What is a multi-uni​t dwelling?

A multi-unit dwelling is a structure that consists of multiple individual homes connected on one lot. This could include a duplex, triplex, fourplex or buildings with more units. Within the City of Edmonton these can also be called Multi-Unit Residential Buildings (MURBs).

Read all the information contained withi​n the Customer Conne​ction Guide​ before​ sta​rting projects to avoid mistakes, errors, and omissions that may result in costly rework and delays.

How can multi-unit dwellings receive power​​ service?

There are two options for providing power service to a multi-unit dwelling:

Opt​​ion​​ 1: Servicing with a multi-meter socket​

Multi-meter soc​​​kets

A multi-meter socket (MMS) involves one power service supply line and is located on one house. From there, each unit has an individual meter that supplies the home. MMS can supply a maximum of four consumer power services.

Note: Where a MMS will be installed and the units will be on individually titled lots, the landowner must ensure that easements with adjacent properties are registered on each title. This shall permit the extension of service cables across adjacent properties, allowing customer access to their service line at all times, and prohibiting the Customer on the adjacent property from taking any action which would interfere with a Customer’s electricity supply.

See section 3.8 of the Customer Connection Guide for more information on easements.​​

  • The EPCOR service supply line from utility runs to a single unit
  • Multi-meter sockets allow up to four individual meter connections
  • An easement is required when a service line crosses a neighbouring property
  • Where an individual service cable already exists, multi-metering is not permitted. Please refer to option 2 for further details on individual servicing​


Diagram of two multi-meter sockets each servicing two homes. Both multi-meter sockets are being serviced from the same utility service supply.

Diagram of one multi-meter socket servicing four homes.

Option 2: Servicing individually

  • The EPCOR service supply line from the utility runs to each home
  • Each individual unit within a new multiple dwelling will be served as a separate Point of Service, unless EDTI agrees otherwise.

Diagram of each unit’s meter installed on the property it is servicing

Note: A​​​ll meters must be in an accessible location to EPCOR staff at all times.​​​

Using the Customer Connection Gui​​de

The Customer Connection Guide informs builders and developers about EPCOR standards with regards to service types. This document provides the guidance necessary to successfully request the vast majority of services.

Important sections for multi​-dwelling services:

  • 3.5 Selecting the service types for guidelines on choosing your connection
  • 10.5 Residential - greater than 200 AMPS or less for guidelines on residential servicing

It is necessary to read all the information contained within this document before starting projects to avoid mistakes, errors, and omissions that may result in costly rework and delays.

Note: It is the responsibility of the Customer to meet all requirements of the Customer Connection Guide, and all other applicable legislation, regulations, codes, and guidelines prior to receiving a new connection.

Load calcu​​lations

Below is a brief description of two of rules, 8-200 & 8-202, from the 2021 Canadian Electrical Codebook to help with calculating the load for single and multiple dwellings. 

  • Single Dwellings (Rule 8-200): Rule 8-200 outlines how to calculate the load for a single dwelling unit service. These dwelling units are typically single family houses existing on their own separate foundation or property.
  • Multiple Dwellings (Rule 8-202): Rule 8-202 outlines how to calculate the load for services to multiple dwellings. This includes multiplexes, apartments, and houses with garden suites. It is important to note that this rule states how the additional load per unit will decreases as the number of units increase.

Note: When the additional load that is being calculated is intended to service a basement suit, the calculations must be sent to the City of Edmonton for review.

​​​​Electrical ownership and responsibilities

Property owners of Multi-family Unit (MFU) sites own and are responsible for the underground utility service cables on their property and any maintenance and repairs needed. 

Next steps

When multi-metering will be installed on a multi-unit dwelling where the units are on individual titled lots, please contact EPCOR at ces@epcor.com for approval of the installation. You must send a copy of the easement registered on title, title and plot plan along with your request.​​

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