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All Alberta locations except Edmonton
French Creek
Aylmer and area
Collingwood and area
Kincardine and area

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River safety

Recreating on the North Saskatchewan River can be fun and relaxing, but safety should be top of mind when you go out on the river. Here are some tips to keep you safe.

Stay safe on the river

  • Stay off and away from the river when it is high or running fast; it can be powerful and carry debris. River flow information is available on the Alberta government website
  • ​Know your limitations. Make sure you have the appropriate skills
  • Have the right safety equipment, particularly a properly fitting life jacket, but also a sound-signaling device such as a whistle or air horn, a flashlight, and a buoyant rope line
  • Tell someone your trip plans: destination, companions, departure and return times
  • Be aware of the weather
    • Dangerous weather is a factor in one-third of boating deaths
    • If you see lightning, get off the river immediately
  • Steer clear of water intakes, bridge pilings, large rocks or driftpiles to avoid flipping hazards
  • Never enter the river under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Keep a watchful eye on children and pets along water's edge. Even on the shoreline, a strong flow can easily pull them in

River safety resources

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