Residential landscape guidelines

Trees and power service lines

For the reliability of power to your home, you should make sure there is at least 1 metre clearance between your service line running from the power pole to your home and any trees or shrubs. This clearance area helps to reduce the chances of a tree coming in contact with the power line and causing a power outage or fire.

Learn more about clearance requirements for power equipment.

A tree has fallen on a powerline

Call 911 or our 24 hour power emergency line 780-412-4500 if the tree is:

  • Interfering with primary power lines
  • Causing power service issues
  • Causing severe stress on the service line

Trimming your tree safely

If trimming your tree or shrub requires you to work within 7 metres of an overhead power line, call us at 780-412-4500 and request a Safety Codes consultation. We can help provide guidance about working safely in close proximity to power lines and other electrical equipment.

If your tree is within 1 metre of the power line running from the pole to your home, call us and we will temporarily disconnect the power to the service line so that you, or your contractor, can trim the tree safely.

Once you've completed the trimming or removal, give us a call back and we'll come and reconnect your power.

Call 780-412-45​00

Tree trimming request

If your tree is within 1 metre of the power line running from the pole to your house, call 780-412-4500 to arrange a temporary disconnect, so you can trim your tree safely. Fill out our request form if the tree is interfering with the power lines running from pole-to-pole.

Utility locating is a free service

Click before you digopens in a new tab or call Utility Safety Partners at 1-800-242-3447 to find out where the utility lines are located in your yard. The service will mark the location of power, water, drainage, natural gas, internet, and cable television lines on your property with coloured paint and flags. This service can take up to a week after you make the call.

Plan out what tree​s and shrubs to plant and where

When choosing which trees and shrubs to add to your yard, pay attention to how high they might grow and their proximity to utility lines. If you live in an area with overhead power lines, a clearance of 3 metres helps reduce the chances of a tree coming into contact with the power line and causing a power outage or fire.

There are four zones to consider when planting near overhead power lines.

Zone 1
1 metres from the power pole – no digging is to occur here.

Zone 2
Within 5 metres of the power line – maximum height of a mature tree/shrub is 6 metres.

Zone 3
5 to 10 metres from the power line – maximum height of mature tree is 12 metres.

Zone 4
Beyond 10 metres from the power line, any height of tree is acceptable.

Your local greenhouse is a good resource for more information on the mature heights of trees.

Note: For the overhead power service line to your house, keep the tree or shrub at least 1 metre away from the line.

​Working with professional arborists

If you have hired a contractor to help with tree and stump removal, make sure they have experience trimming trees near power lines. Certified utility arborists are trained to safely maintain trees and vegetation growing near power lines, arborists without this designation are at risk of devastating injury or even death.

If certain safety measures are not taken, the entire tree and surrounding area can become energized and anyone working or passing by below are also at risk of electrical shock or electrocution.

Even if someone doesn't directly make contact, electricity can arc or "jump" from the line to their equipment.

For a list of arborists that are certified Utility Specialists, visit the International Society of Arboriculture, Prairie Chapter.

Need to excavate or remove a tree trunk?

Before you break ground, always request a locate from Utility Safety Partners opens in a new taband have underground registered utilities marked.


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