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Street lights and traffic signals are owned by the City of Edmonton and are more common than security lights as they line main roads and park pathways. For more information on street lights please visit City of Edmonton Street Lightingopens in a new tab.
Requests to maintain street lights can be made by calling 311 or visiting Edmonton 311 onlineopens in a new tab.
Security lights are lamps and lampposts owned and maintained by EPCOR to illuminate public or private owned property like your condo’s parking lot, your neighbourhood playground or a trucking yard.
Many are now identified by a label that says “Owned and Maintained by EPCOR”.
If you see a security light that is out or flickering, please contact Power Trouble at 780-412-4500.
If you have a security light at your address, you are responsible for paying for any electricity the light uses.
This webpage provides information only. Any reliance placed on this information is strictly at your own risk. EPCOR does not assume any responsibility or liability for any action, loss or damage that arises out of, or is in connection with the information contained in this webpage.
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