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As the seasons change, there are home maintenance tasks you can do to protect your home. Discover what to do in the spring to protect against summer storms, and fall tasks to help you prepare for winter. We've put together a seasonal home maintenance checklist below as well as a downloadable version.
Our checklist will help you schedule your yearly home maintenance to take care of your property and tips to help you do so safely.
You'll also find information on the space our crews need to work safely on equipment in your community throughout the seasons. Awareness can help protect your home and keep your family and our team safe.
Get your FREE printable home maintenance checklist
Below are things you can do in and around your home to help protect your property throughout the year. Our annual home maintenance checklist covers all four seasons including tasks to winterize your home and what you should know before planting this summer.
Help keep water moving and clear debris, ice, and snow from the catch basin near your house. Report damaged catch basins to EPCOR. Learn more about catch basins.
Clear out leaves, dirt and debris from your window wells that may prevent your window wells from properly draining. Learn more about window well maintenance.
Inspect and clear debris for proper water flow. If foundation seepage is present, remove 1.5 metres of snow and ice around the perimeter of the foundation.
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