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Gold Bar Wastewater Treatment Plant

Since the EPCOR Gold Bar Wastewater Treatment Plant opened in 1956 we've remained at the forefront of wastewater treatment through continued investment in new technology. We're making ongoing investments to ensure our waste treatment plant is safe, reliable and able to meet the needs of the city and the Gold Bar community. EPCOR is committed to protecting Edmonton river valley parkland for future generations by using technology to safely handle incoming flows without expanding beyond the current footprint and fenceline through to at least 2060.

Our commitments to you

Thanks to community input, we've developed a new plan for the future of the Gold Bar Wastewater Treatment Plant. Our plan protects the natural environment, preserves all of the adjacent parkland, and includes written commitments to the community. We created these commitments with our stakeholders and we've built them into our long-term plan. These commitments will guide Gold Bar wastewater operations and how we will design and build at the plant for decades.

Let's talk

We believe in listening to and engaging stakeholders. Community input and involvement is an important part of our decision making and we want to hear what you think about our initiatives.

Phone: 780-412-4200 

Email: ​epcorprojects@epcor.com

Sign up f​or email up​da​​​t​es

Subscribe to receive important updates about the Gold Bar Wastewater Treatment Plant.

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