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Approval to operate

Every 10 years, we apply to renew our approval for the Edmonton wastewater system, including an overview of the operations and proposed upgrades.

Approval renewal application 

Environment and Protected Areas, under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act (EPEA), is responsible for regulating wastewater treatment systems in Alberta. We follow strict approval limits and other regulations to ensure monitoring and river water quality provisions are in place at all of our wastewater treatment facilities.

The Edmonton wastewater system includes the Gold Bar Wastewater Treatment Plant (GBWWTP), the Clover Bar Biosolids Resource Recovery Facility (CBBRRF), and more than 4,200 km of sanitary and combined wastewater pipes.

Under the EPEA, EPCOR is required to apply for renewal of our existing approval every 10 years, or whenever we make substantial operational changes to our wastewater system. Renewing our approval to operate is an important part of our commitment to excellence in how we maintain, operate and upgrade the Edmonton wastewater system.

2025 renewal application

In September 2025, we applied to Environment and Protected Areas to renew our EPEA approval for the Edmonton wastewater system. The application provides a detailed overview of the system, its operations, and its environmental impact. It also outlines proposed upgrades and improvements to ensure the system's continued compliance with environmental regulations and its ability to serve the growing population of Edmonton. 

The application details our efforts to reduce odours, control air emissions, and manage energy consumption. It also describes plans for public consultation throughout the approval renewal process.

Key components of the application

  • A description of the current wastewater system, including the collection system, the GBWWTP, and the CBBRRF.
  • A summary of proposed changes to the EPEA approval, including updates to definitions, removal or replacement of outdated sections, and a request for a waiver on routine 7-day letters for air quality exceedances.
  • An overview of planned upgrades and improvements, such as odour control measures, digester improvements, UV disinfection system upgrades, and plant pipe rehabilitation.
  • A description of the public consultation process, including a Community Liaison Group, community events, and plant tours.
  • A summary of environmental monitoring activities, including air quality monitoring, odour complaint tracking, and biosolids application monitoring.
  • A review of the wastewater system's performance, including wastewater quality, wet weather events, and chemical usage.
  • The application also includes several appendices with additional details about the wastewater system, its operations, and its environmental impact.


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Phone: 780-412-3599

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