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We operate the water, and wastewater systems in Edmonton under Performance Based Regulation (PBR) which is reflected in the EPCOR Water Services Bylawopens in a new tab and EPCOR Drainage Services and Wastewater Treatment Bylawopens in a new tab. We submit a projected plan for our water and wastewater systems to City Council as a way to set future rates and forecast the important work we must complete to ensure we can continue delivering safe drinking water and reliable wastewater services to Edmontonians.
The PBR provides incentive to EPCOR to find efficiencies and reduce costs while maintaining established performance levels — ensuring accountability for delivering and maintaining reliable services in order to earn a fair return. This is similar to the model used by the Alberta Utilities Commission in regulating some natural gas and electric distribution utilities.
The PBR process is about supporting our city's growth and keeping rates fair and affordable for customers, while ensuring that reliable operations and maintenance of critical infrastructure is well-managed.
A key component of the planning and development process for our rates applications is engaging with customers to understand their values and priorities regarding water and wastewater services. This insight helps in determining capital and operational priorities, and customer service functions. What we learn through our engagement processes is reflected throughout our applications.
Our rates reflect the cost to provide clean, safe and reliable water and wastewaters services. We work carefully to ensure new rates are fair and affordable while addressing operational requirements and supporting investments that help safeguard public and environmental health and support our growing city's overall quality of life.
Current water rates and wastewater rates were approved by Edmonton City Council in 2021 and came into effect on April, 1, 2022.
The water rates are set until March 31, 2027. However, the wastewater rates expire two years earlier, on March 31, 2025.
EPCOR has filed an application with the City of Edmonton to set new wastewater rates for 2025 to 2027. Read our applicationopens in a new tab.
As EPCOR’s regulator, written submissions for consideration related to our application must be directed to the City of Edmonton, and should be directed to:
The Office of the City Clerk
3rd Floor, City Hall
1 Sir Winston Churchill Square NW
Edmonton AB
T5J 2R7
Email: city.clerk@edmonton.ca | Fax: 780-496-8175
Submissions received by July 22, 2024 will be provided with a response.
Submissions received after July 22, 2024 will be received for information.
A Utility Committee Meeting will be held on October 11, 2024 to discuss the application. Information about the meeting can be found at www.edmonton.ca/meetingsopens in a new tab.
Alternatively, you can submit your comments and feedback related to our wastewater application by emailing us at EPCORWastewaterPBR2024@epcor.com.
How rates are set
There's a lot of important work that goes into determining rates. Find out more about the rate application process.
PBR Reader's Guide
Read our 2025-2027 Wastewater Services PBR Reader's Guide for highlights of the full application.
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