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Rates for your home

We don't believe in a one size fits all solution. We have a rate for every lifestyle.


Electricity, water, and natural gas rates

If you need services for your home, EPCOR's got you covered. Discover everything EPCOR has to offer.

Residential electricity rates

In Alberta, you have choices. Compare regulated rates with rates from Encor, our competitive retailer. Find a rate that fits your life.

Fixed electricity
2 year term
Stable rate that stays the same
per kWh*
  • Provided by Encor by EPCOR

  • Change or cancel your contract anytime, penalty free

  • Get all your services on one bill

Floating electricity
2 year term
Rate posted based on previous period and changes monthly
per kWh*
  • Provided by Encor by EPCOR

  • Change or cancel your contract anytime, penalty free

  • Get all your services on one bill

Rate of Last Resort
Current rate period: January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2026
per kWh**
  • Provided by EPCOR

  • No contract necessary

  • Approved RoLR electricity rate

* Plus a daily administration fee of 27¢ per site.
** A daily administration fee applies.

Check out Encor's Chirp green electricity options

Reduce your carbon footprint and go green. Choose to get a percentage of your power from a renewable resource with Encor by EPCOR. Feel good about the power you use.

energy_savings_leaf Green energy
15% green electricity
2 year term
Provided by Encor by EPCOR
per kWh*
energy_savings_leaf Green energy
50% green electricity
2 year term
Provided by Encor by EPCOR
per kWh*
energy_savings_leaf Green energy
100% green electricity
2 year term
Provided by Encor by EPCOR
per kWh*

* Plus a daily administration fee of 27¢ per site.

Customers are free to purchase natural gas services or electricity services from a retailer of their choice. For a list of retailers, visit ucahelps.alberta.ca or call 310-4822 (toll free in Alberta).

Residential natural gas rates

You like our electricity plans? Get more of a good thing by signing up for natural gas. Bundle both and get one-bill service.

Fixed natural gas
2 year term
Stable rate that stays the same
per GJ*
  • Provided by Encor by EPCOR

  • Change or cancel your contract anytime, penalty free

  • Get all your services on one bill

Floating natural gas
2 year term
Rate posted based on previous period and changes monthly
per GJ*
  • Provided by Encor by EPCOR

  • Change or cancel your contract anytime, penalty free

  • Get all your services on one bill

* Plus a daily administration fee of 27¢ per site.

Residential water and wastewater rates

Most customers pay about $46 per month for water usage on an average, single-family residential household bill.  This does not include fixed fees or sewage charges. This amount may also fluctuate month-to-month, depending on how much water is used. 

These rates are effective April 1, 2024.

Water rates
​​Residential Consumption Charge (per m3)​ 2024 Rate
0 m3 - 10.0 m3 ​$2.3173
10.1 m3 - 35.0 m3 $2.5316
Over 35.0 m3 $3.1996
​​Fixed Monthly Service Charge Per Meter Size 2024 Rate
15mm (5/8") ​$14.41
20mm (3/4") $21.63
25mm (1") $36.03
40mm (1 1/2") $72.04
50mm (2") $115.26
75mm (3") $216.12
100mm (4") $360.21
150mm (6") $720.41
200mm (8") $1152.66
250mm (10") $1656.96
300mm (12") $2432.12
Public Fire Protection 2024 Rate
15mm (5/8") ​$2.81
20mm (3/4") $4.20
25mm (1") $7.01
40mm (1 1/2") $14.02
50mm (2") $22.44
75mm (3") $42.06
100mm (4") $70.12
150mm (6") $140.24
200mm (8") $224.38
250mm (10") $322.55
300mm (12") $473.43
Wastewater treatment rates
Residential Charges 2024 Rate
​​​​​​Consumption charge per m3 (all consumption) $1.3226
Fixed monthly service charge $6.57
Sanitary rates

Variable rates

Variable sanitary charges are based on metered water consumption. If no meter exists, sanitary charges are based on the provisions of the Drainage Bylaw 19627.

Size 2024 Rate
​All premises (except large wholesale) $1.4415 per m3
​​Large wholesale with collection system $0.8072 per m3

Fixed rates

Meter Size 2024 Rate
​16mm $11.67
​20mm $21.01
25mm $32.66
40mm $63.00
50mm $86.32
75mm $178.36
100mm $332.22
150mm $628.40
200mm $1002.60
250mm $2488.15
300mm $2488.15
400mm $2722.63
500mm $2931.42
Stormwater utility charges

Stormwater utility charges cover the cost to build, operate, and maintain the stormwater infrastructure, which collects accumulated rainwater and snowmelt to prevent flooding and property damage.

How is the Stormwater charge calculated? 

In accordance with the EPCOR Wastewater Services Bylaw, the monthly stormwater charge is calculated using the following formula: A x I x R x Rate, where: 

A: Area - The area of the property in square metres (m2), and the proportion of the building lot area attributable to each unit for multiple units sharing a single building of property. 

I: Development Intensity Factor - The measure of the portion of lot being used for its intended development. The development intensity factor is 1.0 as default, except for commericial or multi-family residential properties where owners demonstrate they contribute significantly less stormwater runoff per property area to the City's land wastewater collection system during rainfalls than other similarly zone properties. 

R: Runoff coefficient - represents the portion of rainfall that becomes runoff and enters the stormwater system. The runoff coefficient relates to the portion of permeable and impermeable areas within your property and is determined based on the zoning. 

Rate: The stormwater utility rate - the rate as of April 1, 2024 is $0.070139.

More about rates


Historical electricity rates

Look at past electricity rates to understand how they change.


Historical natural gas rates

Understand how rates change so you can feel good about your natural gas rate choice.


How rates are set

Setting your rate is a group effort. Discover the process.


Confused about energy in Alberta?

Let us break it down for you.

What's the difference between Encor and EPCOR?

Are Encor and EPCOR the same company? Yes and no.

Yes. We are part of the same family and share the same values. We also share the same customer service representatives. So when you call us, you get a one-stop customer service shop.

No. We offer you different services. Check it out:

EPCOR services

  • Provides water services in the Edmonton area
  • Offers the Rate of Last Resort for electricity

Encor by EPCOR services

  • Offers competitive rate plans (fixed or floating) for:
    • Electricity
    • Natural gas
  • Offers the option to green your energy 

What's it to you? Together, as EPCOR and Encor, we provide you more choice in Alberta's energy market. And more choice, is always a good thing.

Regulated vs. competitive energy

In Alberta, you have choice. You can pick if you pay the default price for electricity (Rate of Last Resort) or a competitive rate with a retailer like Encor.

So what's the difference?


The regulated Rate of Last Resort is set in two-year periods and does not fluctuate on a monthly basis. This rate is reviewed and approved by the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC).


A competitive rate can be fixed or variable and are subject to a contract.

With a competitive retailer like Encor by EPCOR, you pay a deregulated fixed or variable rate.

A fixed rate locks in the rate you pay for energy for a set amount of time. A fixed rate gives you the certainty of a stable electricity price for the term of your energy plan. While the market rises and falls, your price remains the same.  

A variable rate, sometimes called floating, changes monthly with market prices. Your bill will rise and fall to reflect market changes.

Customers are free to purchase natural gas services or electricity services from a retailer of their choice. For a list of retailers, visit ucahelps.alberta.ca or call 310-4822 (toll free in Alberta).

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